Articles Tagged 'Process'

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

Keeping My Eyes on the Prize

We have to follow the Lord, and Jesus promises to empower our becoming like him through the Holy Spirit.

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus and transformation and focuses today on our walking with Jesus each day in the gospels and learning his words and talking with him and taking on on his character and compassion as the Spirit transforms us.

The Journey with Jesus to Transformation

Why does the character we long to have take so long to develop?

Phil Ware's first in a four article series on Jesus' work of transformation in us, this week, we are called to follow Jesus.

A Breathtaking Mystery

The more I discover, the vast possibilities ahead yawn even wider before me.

Melissa Troyer reminds us of the breathtaking partnership we have with Christ to remain in the process of transformation.

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

People over Machines

Don't you just love getting caught in a caller option system?

Rubel Shelly talks about the nightmare of getting caught in a voice mail and caller processing system and says he prefers people over machines.

Based on an Idea of Mine

What is your major accomplishment?

Alan Smith tells us of the developer of the laser and how he doesn't claim any sense of achievement because he wasn't the one who designed the ultimate final use.

What the Kids Pick Up

What are your kids hearing in the background and from you?

Kids hear all sorts of things in the background of the world via the radio and tv, how are we helping them process this?

Join the Procession

Have you been by to honor him?

Jesus didn't have a head of state funeral, but his life has counted more than any other leader every.