Dr. Lois Tverberg talks about 'geshem' or water, and how God set up Israel to need God to supply their water and make them strong, not their location or their efforts or their wisdom!
08/15/2023 by Lois Tverberg
Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to celebrate our blessings in Christ and our need to reflect our Father's values by being generous and gracious ourselves.
07/23/2022 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
What I have to offer God isn't enough. But what God can do with what I offer is more than enough. He can take my unholy life and make it right. He can take my weak faith and help me overcome. He can take my vulnerable humanity and let me say no to tempta
10/14/2015 by Tim Archer
Mark Frost of http://www.interimministrypartners.com shares part two on the journey through the wilderness during the interim and how God is preparing his people for great things.
05/04/2014 by Mark Frost
Robyn F. Johnson shares the story of the widow and Elisha in 2 Kings 4, and she reminds us that God cares for us and provides for us, we just need to look for our little vial of olive oil and offer it to him.
08/23/2013 by Robyn F. Johnson
Rubel Shelly reminds us that trust in God to act is not passive, but an active life that does what is required, trusting that our difficulties and challenges are problems for God to solve.
08/22/2013 by Rubel Shelly
Brian McCutchen reminds us that life is full of surprises and many of them unwanted, but in the middle of the surprises is Yahweh-Jirah, the God who provides for us.
06/22/2013 by Brian McCutchen
Christians have three clear reasons to get up and go to work. Provide for our families, show God's glory, and help others.
05/30/2012 by Steve Ridgell
God longs to help supply us with our need, just as he did with the apostles trying to feed the 5000.
10/01/2006 by Alan Smith
Heartlight.org celebrates its eighth birthday with a look back on some amazing events.
04/03/2004 by Paul Lee
A horrible storm in the United States Pacific Northwest helps slow things down enough for folks to remember some key truths from God.
01/11/2004 by Dr. Karen Buchanan