Articles Tagged 'R' (Page 43)

Great Sin, Great Forgiveness, and Now What?

David needed more than forgiveness for his sin. So do you.

David repented and asked for forgiveness. He was also restored to a life of purpose.

The Foolish Man's House Went...

How can we avoid the foolish man's crash?

Phil Ware reminds us of the harsh truth about knowing more than we put into practice, we are certainly called to be much more than a biblical thumb drive.

A Tiny Seed, A Tiny Deed

Don't let your self-doubt rob God of His miraculous power through you!

Max Lucado reminds us that God uses tiny seeds and tiny deeds to make big things.

What a Prayer Partner

Most folks don't even know about this promise about Jesus!

Phillip Morrison reminds us of Jesus' incredible role in interceding for us always and living to make that intercession in our defense.

Loose Lug Nuts and the RagTag Band

Will we make the Lord's Table like Levi's table?

Phil Ware reminds us that we want to not only share in the Lord's Supper, but we also want our table to be like Levi's table of grace and friendship.

What Love Says

When others say unkind things about people, what do you say?

Max Lucado reminds us that love protects when others speak untruth, spread gossip, or destroy reputations.

Don't Give Up!

It's never too late for God to touch someone's heart

Don’t give up! Keep praying for those around you. Keep showing them the example of a godly life. And be ready to share your faith with them when the time is right.

Would I Dig a Hole?

What would you not do to save the life of a friend?

Phil Ware talks about four friends who dig a hole in the roof to get their friend to Jesus so he could be healed; so what would we be willing to do to get our friends to Jesus to be saved?

The Unspoken Source of Anxiety

How can we lay down this concrete block that weighs us down and sinks our lives?

Max Lucado talks about being released from the chains of guilt from the sin in the past and set free to live for God by grace.

A Good Ending

We don't have to live in the mess of our mess up!

Tom Norvell reminds us that as far as failure goes, Peter pretty much leads the way, but he also leads the way in turnarounds and being called back to significant ministry.

'My Child, Get Up!'

In the face of such hard grief, what do we have to offer?

Phil Ware pauses and looks at the pain of grieving parents at the loss of a child and reminds us to forgo easy answers and cling to the stories and promises of Jesus.

Anger Lives in Sorrow's House

Underneath our grief lurks the monster of anger waiting to tear into us.

Max Lucado reminds us that sorrow can open the door for anger to overwhelm us because we cannot figure out why bad things happened, but we hold onto the reality that God is good.

An Answer for the Times When There Are No Answers

What do you say when to the hard questions that seem to have no answers?

The death of a child is one of those times when it seems there are no answers. But there are.

The Grace of Dropping Stones

Would I be willing to drop my stone first?

Tom Norvell reminds us of a well known truth we so often forget and even more infrequently apply.

God Answers the Mess of Life

Is there any hope for the monotonous mess of life?

Max Lucado recognizes the monotonous routine of life and its challenges and reminds us that God's grace meets us in our messes and gives us the power to live our way out of them.

God's Message to Jesus... and You!

What does God long to say to you?

Phil Ware reminds us of the importance of baptism to Jesus as a new beginning and how that should be important to us.

Because Jesus Wants You to Be

If Jesus was baptized and if Jesus wants you to be baptized, what's holding you back?

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the most simple and basic reason of all to be baptized: Jesus wants us to be!

Go and Do Likewise

What do you do, actually do, to help your neighbor?

Yet this parable, or teaching story, is focused on one man who personally, intimately and immediately did something. Thus, the lesson is that as followers of Jesus, we need to go and do likewise as we travel over our own roads of life and help those in ne


We rejoice in the grace so lavishly given us in Jesus by obeying the Lord.

Phil Ware concludes his six-part series on the man with leprosy that Jesus heals (Mark 1:35-45) and how we can learn to impact the lives of others as Jesus did.

Remember Your Worth

You have been chosen by Christ for an eternity-long relationship!

Max Lucado reminds us that we are the precious bride of Christ and we need to keep our focus on our wedding day.


The Lord is not finished surprising us with His grace and power if we live for His purposes.

Phil Ware takes time to reflect on twenty years on the web and to give thanks for those who got them there and for the Lord who continues to do miracles among us.

Not All Who Lose Are Losers

Sometimes the scoreboard only reveals the game's outcome, not the winners and losers!

Phillip Morrison reminds us that not all who lose are losers, in fact, the greatest victor of all could have been called a loser before he won the greatest victory of all time.

He Did It for You!

Why would Jesus face all that he faced when He could have stopped it with a word?

Max Lucado reminds us of the gift Jesus gives us with the cross and resurrection.


In the healing of a man with leprosy, we see the touch of Jesus and new life promised to us through the Spirit's resurrection power.

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus touching a man with leprosy and focuses on how Jesus' touch and word of command make clean and redeem this man who was left alone to die, abandoned by everyone and everything in his world.

The Silence of Saturday

God is at work even when nothing appears to be happening!

Max Lucado reminds us during this special week of a day that is so often neglected: Saturday, the Sabbath, when everything appears to be silent and that Satan has triumphed, yet lying still in the grave, Jesus' body belies the truth of God.