Articles Tagged 'R' (Page 52)

Your Invitation to a Year with Jesus

Spend a year journeying through the New Testament with Jesus.

Phil Ware shares the beginning of A Year with Jesus and an invitation to join the free daily devotional and get to know Jesus more fully during the course of the year as you journey together through the New Testament.

Walk This Way

Nik Wallenda walking a tightrope in Chicago was not the most inspirational walk I have seen.

Watching an old man cross the street with his walker taught me about following Jesus in this world.

'...and thankful!'

That passion to pursue Jesus must never die!

Phil Ware continues his series tied to Thanksgiving called "...and thankful" and this week he is thankful for the longing to move toward Jesus and pursue the things of God.

God's Grace in a Pumpkin

How can a pumpkin possibly mean so much?

Phil Ware writes part of a monthly series on his Compassion visit to Chiang Mai Thailand as and move closer to 1,000 sponsored children.

The Scorned Virtue

Why do we see this as weakness?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the Christian virtue of humility, which is not thinking less of ourself, but thinking of ourself less.

Be Strong and Courageous

Now is the time for courage

As evil further envelopes this world, with wars, rumors of wars, beheading and horrors, the words said to Joshua resound for us today. Be strong and courageous.

'...and thankful!'

So we are supposed to give thanks for this?

Phil Ware continues his 4 part series on Thanksgiving and how important it is for churches to leverage change and growth in in their church families.

Act(s) 1: Scene 4 — Constantly in Prayer

Doesn't sound like much of a plan, just to sit and pray, but it was Jesus' plan!

Mark Frost finishes his 4 part series on Acts 1 and the key scenes that set the stage for the church to launch out into a whole new era of mission.

A Little Each Day

How do we accomplish great things and find ourselves attaining greatness?

Rubel Shelly uses John Wooden as an example and a great quote on the need to focus on doing today what we can do and make the little changes each day that get us closer to our goal.

Be Careful Where You Build

Not every foundation is the same!

If we build our lives on the teachings of Jesus, we'll have a solid foundation that will see us through even the hardest times. If we choose to build somewhere else, we may very well find ourselves with a life that can't stand up to life's trials.

'...and thankful!'

What happens the other 51 weeks of the year?

Phil Ware begins a 4 part November series on giving thanks just in time for the Thanksgiving season.

Do Not Be Afraid

What is there really to fear, but fear itself?

Phillip Morrison shares very good information, spiritual and scriptural application, on the fear mongering happening because of Ebola.

Have You Stopped Believing in God?

Can you believe in a God who did not answer your prayers?

It is hard to hold on to your belief when it seems God is not listening. Here is how Christians keep the faith.

Postscript Praise

This time the treasure is in the details!

Phil Ware finishes his short series on the value of women to God and to the early church.

Act(s) 1: Scene 3 — Witnesses

Learning to reach out, and further out, to speak for Jesus.

Mark Frost continues his series on Acts scene 1, with a great article on being witnesses built around Acts 1:8 and about reaching the world -- here, near, and far.

How to Heal the Internet

How do we keep from throwing bricks at each other through our screens, large and small?

Ann Voskamp reminds us to listen with our heads and hearts and see social media and the Internet as a way to listen to hearts yearning to be loved.

Choose This Day

Who are you going to serve?

We have to choose whether we want to serve God, and God alone, or serve something/someone else.

The Women

Who stood by Jesus while all his apostles failed him?

Phil Ware continues his series on the importance of women to God and to the early church and focuses on the "The Women" Luke refers to as standing by Jesus in his Passion, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and pouring out the Spirit at Pentecost and how

Act(s) 1: Scene 2 — Glory Days

Everything seems better than it relaly was.

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares the second in his series on Acts and nostalgia and doing the work of God in bringing the Kingdom of God.

Of Course You Will Die

Yes you are going to die. So what?

Death means the end of everything if you are not a Christian. It is the beginning of everything if you are.

Too Familiar to Feel the Bite?

Sometimes we miss the truth because we are too familiar with what we think we know!

Phil Ware continues his series on the way God values women and expresses this in Scripture and also against the grain of culture.

Act(s) 1: Scene 1 — Jesus' Body

If we listen to Acts like a play, what do we learn in each scene?

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares insight on viewing the church through the lens of Acts and focuses today on the church being the living, breathing, embodiment or incarnation of Jesus to the world.

Co-heirs with Christ

Paul blows away the confusion and declares us all equally heirs of God's promise!

Phil Ware continues his series on the way God values a woman and how Pentecost begins a new humanity that is to work itself out in the life of Jesus' people, the church.

Suffocating Pessimism

How are we going to go forward while looking backward with nostalgia?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that while we don't want to be blindly optimistic, there is value in not being a pessimist and always thinking things are worse.

Give Me this Hill Country

What do you look forward to for the end of your days?

I pray that my life may ever be focused on what I can do, not what I can stop doing. Even if the effects of age force me to limit my activities, may I ever be seeking ways to serve the Lord.