Phillip Morrison talks about the greatest Christmas gift of all, the gift of forgiveness.
12/12/2013 by Phillip Morrison
The Christian life is much like a race. If you finish, you get a medal. If you don't finish... no medal.
12/11/2013 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor with a focus on accountability -- both holding others accountable and holding ourselves accountable for our growth in the Lord.
12/09/2013 by Phil Ware
Greg Anderson continues the series from Interim Ministry Partners about helping a church discover its mission by focusing on the people in the process.
12/08/2013 by Greg Anderson
Cathy Messecar confesses her struggle to make giving something that honors God and not herself and she talks about the Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive.
12/07/2013 by Cathy Messecar
Rick Brown writes about LSTN headphones, hearing, Starkey hearing foundation, 400 years of silence after the Old Testament, years, silence, quiet, need, hear, hearing, listening, listen, Immanuel.
12/05/2013 by Rick Brown
As you remember the Christmas story this December, amid the buying of presents, gathering with family and no doubt overeating, take some time to remember your own Salvation story. Then share it with your friends and loved ones.
12/04/2013 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware continues the series of articles on discerning your mission for churches to work through as they are in a season of looking for a preaching minister or pastor and Phil emphasizes both the universal mission passages and the specific mission passa
12/01/2013 by Phil Ware
Ann Voskamp talks about eucharisteo and Compassion International and Haiti and child protection and question marks and learning to live with thanksgiving.
11/30/2013 by Ann Voskamp
Patrick Odum takes a risk and invites us to not be so pig-headed about how bad Black Friday or even shopping on Thanksgiving might be, but decide for ourselves and let others do the same as long as we do it giving thanks to God!
11/29/2013 by Patrick D. Odum
Rick Brown gives us insights on abstract prayers and the Rabbi's teaching that would help us be more thankful.
11/28/2013 by Rick Brown
When Jesus healed ten lepers, only one of them came back to give thanks. We need to follow his example, stopping to thank God for what he has done for us.
11/27/2013 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor, this time focusing on trust.
11/25/2013 by Phil Ware
Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.
11/24/2013 by Mark Frost
Phillip Morrison, with a few words of introduction by Phil Ware, reflects on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the events that include Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby and the time that all of America became a church.
11/22/2013 by Phillip Morrison
Ron Rose reminds us that work is sacred and we should not divide our lives into sacred and secular boxes.
11/21/2013 by Ron Rose
Jesus does not look down on us from a position above us. Instead, he came to live among us.
11/20/2013 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor and focuses on Jesus washing his disciples' feet on the eve of his crucifixion.
11/18/2013 by Phil Ware
Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by Interim Ministry Partners on discovering a congregation's mission by talking about how churches want to find someone to fill the pulpit in a hurry when they first need to discover who they are and what their mis
11/17/2013 by Tim Woodroof
Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor focusing this week on prayer, especially prayer as a redemptive tool of offering forgiveness and blessing to those who are our enemies and who mistreat us.
11/14/2013 by Phil Ware
Treasure in this world can be stolen or lost. Treasure with God is safe forever.
11/13/2013 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly reminds us of the keys to following Jesus by pulling our leg about a bunch of rules for building a snowman.
11/12/2013 by Rubel Shelly
Greg Anderson completes the series on seasons in the life of a church and its vision, mission, and focus.
11/10/2013 by Greg Anderson
Ann Voskamp reminds women and their daughters about the dangers of comparison and how it belittles the work of God going on in each person we see.
11/08/2013 by Ann Voskamp
Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance and fragile danger of communication in organizations, businesses, families, and churches because communication doesn't happen until someone hears and understands, not just when someone says something.
11/07/2013 by Rubel Shelly