Articles Tagged 'R' (Page 61)

Real People, Real Family

So how do we get real about the church?

Phil Ware continues his series from Matthew on God's presence in Jesus and this week talks about church as family, not community.

Discovering the Character of Your Church: Personal vs. shared Values

Why can't we just do it the way I see it?

Phil Ware continues the series on values and leadership, especially conflict in the leadership because they cannot discern operational, personal, strategic, theoretical, shared, and other types of values.

Challenge the Status Quo and Live a generous Life

So how do I keep the status quo from getting in the way of my generosity?

Rick Brown reminds us that we are called to challenge the status quo like Jesus did and turn our values, our world, upside down and bring the life of the Kingdom the way that God wants.

Blessed Assurance

Where is your certainty found?

Phillip Morrison reminds us that our assurance is based on what God does and has done in Jesus, not what we can accomplish for God!

The Vows

Honoring vows made more than a half century before

57 years earlier they stood before a minister and repeated the vows, their vows, to each other. "For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, 'til death do us part."

Beyond the sacred Page

How can Jesus be real to me and not just someone I read about on the pages of the Bible?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Yearning, our need and desire and longing for Jesus to be real to us and close to us and experienceable in our daily lives.

Discovering the Character of your Church: 'Are' Values or 'Should' Values?

How do we get down to our true values?

Tim Woodroof talks about the values of churches and distinguishes between the values that are and the values that churches feel like they should have.

Practice the Wine of Kindness

What would you have done with the jugs of water?

Rick Brown reminds us to be focused on meeting the felt needs of people and use that to invite them to Jesus.

When Nobody Was Looking

What would you have done?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there are honest athletes and football players.


In whom do you trust?

We put a lot of trust in people, trusting them to do what they should. We need to put our full trust in God

The Light of Grace

A simple reminder of grace from one in a difficult place.

Phil Ware shares the sweet prayer request from one of the translators in a predominantly Muslim nation wracked with violence and bloodshed: "Please pray for the terrorists that they know Jesus Christ like Saul who became Paul :)"

Discovering the Character of Your Church: Core Values

What really do we value?

Mark Frost of shares insights into transition times for churches who are looking for a minister or pastor and helps them discover ways to determine their core values.

Living the ultimate Romance

How strong can love grow?

Ann Voskamp writes about how much she loves her husband and why.

Seven Tips to Being an awesome Husband

Really, do these actually work and can I actually do them?

Joe Beam reminds us about how to be a good and effective husband who becomes awesome in the eyes of his wife.

God's Redeeming Love!

We must never forget God's most consistent message to each of us!

Brian McCutchen reminds us that God's love is redeeming -- it forgives, cleanses, makes whole, and buys us back from our messes and lifts us from our burdens.

When God Does not Answer Prayer the Way You Expected

What do you say to a nonbeliever when God does not answer your prayer the way you wanted.

It is easy to share God's answer to prayer when things turn out the way we wanted. It is just as important to share our faith when the answer is not what we wanted.

Yearning for the Presence

Why do we settle for so much less than the real thing?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages about Immanuel, God with us, The Presence, in our lives that we yearn, ache, thirst for.

The Prize

Why keep getting up?

Terese Bell Kindred shares a story of a friend she admires and compares her to a prize fighter because she keeps getting up and going on after bad things and cancer.

Looking beyond Our Pigeonholes

You know you don't fit, so why climb into someone else's pigeon hole for you?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we can refuse to climb into the pigeonholes that other people have made for us because we know who our real Father is.

Out Came this Calf!

Is it sin if it

When Aaron made the golden calf, he claimed that it just came out of the fire that way. We can't be that way with our sin. We must own up to what we've done and seek forgiveness.

It All Begins with...

Why are we so afraid to do what God makes clear is our next step?

Phil Ware completes his two article series on being strong and courageous and being ready to see God do great things among us.

Fighting Terror

Will technology be the difference?

David Capes uses The Voice translation to drive home the point that technology is not going to save us from ourselves, but only gracious trust that Jesus is Lord and our following Jesus into the world of forgiveness.

The 'How!' for hard Days

How do we get past the hardest of days?

Ann Voskamp and Joni Eareckson Tada team up to provide a beautiful and powerful reminder of the power of our words to change everything.

God Is never Late

It was in the midst of poverty that I learned God is never late,

An article reminding us that God is never late.

How to Make a Heart Work the Way It Should

Loving God with all your heart is not easy. God knows that and he provides help.

God provides help for us to love him and others from the heart.