Jeff Lee reminds us about Mary's faith, but he also reminds us of the importance of having a heart like hers.
12/15/2007 by Jeff Lee
Tom Norvell reminds us and prays for us to find rest from our weariness in the Lord.
11/11/2007 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly reminds us that for Christians all of life is a place of sacred activity, especially our work.
10/18/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Alan Smith tries to remind us that our goodness comes from Jesus and not from ourselves.
10/16/2007 by Alan Smith
Phil Ware continues to share the values of his dad with his children and wants them to know that prejudice and racial hatred is not acceptable or tolerabe.
10/15/2007 by Phil Ware
Kimberli Brackett reminds us that even in the worst of circumstances, God is at work trying to make something out of our situation and we can see if we will praise God and ask for his perspective.
09/30/2007 by Kimberli J. Brackett
Paul Faulkner reminds us that God can bring something good out of our grief and trials.
09/28/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Tom Norvell makes a short and simple point about not using too many words.
09/23/2007 by Tom Norvell
Tom Norvell reminds us that some times we just have to hang to hope, keep repeating what is true and not lose heart.
09/15/2007 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly is asked a hard question about the awful stories of the Bible and reminds the questioner that it is truthful, gritty, real life story of the human race while offer God's grace to redeem us.
09/11/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Katha Winther reminds us that life can be full of periods of bad things and rainy days with floods, but God has not forsaken or abandoned us and will see us through.
08/23/2007 by Katha Winther
We all need help to get where we're going. If you don't know how to get to Jesus, don't be afraid to ask someone who does.
08/22/2007 by Steve Ridgell
Sarah Stirman reminds us that when we use our hands to serve the Lord, we are seen as beautiful and he gives us strength to serve him.
08/12/2007 by Sarah Stirman
Teresa Bell Kindred shares some good advice for those who have loved ones dealing with cancer -- this is based on her own personal experience.
08/09/2007 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Patrick Odum reminds us that overcoming temptation requires us to resist the devil, but he also adds some other insights from James' famous passage about overcoming temptation by being honest about oursleves and our need for God.
07/26/2007 by Patrick D. Odum
Rubel Shelly writes about our greatest cultural enemy in spiritual warfare, consumerism or greed.
06/28/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware talks about the weariness of ministry and reminds us that it is not enough to simply get away and rest, we must get away and be with Jesus.
06/18/2007 by Phil Ware
Paul Faulkner reminds us that divorce causes stress on our children and creates a legacy that impacts their lives, so we need to learn to love each other in words and actions.
06/08/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Phil Ware talks about the need to live the life of Jesus before the world or our witness doesn't mean anything at best and creates hostility at worst to Christianity.
05/14/2007 by Phil Ware
God calls us to be weird, different, to be like Christ who died outside the camp to help those caught inside to find his glory and grace.
04/29/2007 by Alan Smith
Letting a child go is a scary thing and when they hurt or they are killed or they go through a traumatic experience, it awful for the parent, so all we can do is ask that God be present and real for them.
04/28/2007 by Tom Norvell
Mildred Budge goes to church decked out on commitment Sunday.
04/22/2007 by Daphne Simpkins
Somethings have been bought forever, maybe not stamps, but we have been bought by the blood of CHrist.
04/10/2007 by Katha Winther
A scary robbery experience helps Steve remember how precious and tenuous life is.
03/08/2007 by Steve Higginbotham
We are killing ourselves trying to find happiness in things and miss it because it is not found there.
02/22/2007 by Rubel Shelly