Articles Tagged 'Red' (Page 7)

Getting Ready

Are you ready?

We know that Jesus will come again. We have to get ready.

One Mule?

Are you as smart as a mule?

Bill Sherrill reminds that we can only do what we can do and not anything more and even a mule knows that, or so says the old German immigrant in Arknasas that owns an old gas station.

My Deliverer Is Coming!

What is the

Phil Ware continues with his series on The Story focusing on the What Is and Who Is and the Why Is of Jesus' coming.

The Story: Jesus' Ministry Begins

Why does Jesus' ministry begin with John?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and reminds us that we can all be John the Baptist, the baptizer, to people around us.

We Do Not Lose Heart

Come on! Can we really say this honestly?

Tom Norvell uses Paul's words to the Corinthians to help us know that we can keep on the journey of faith and not lose heart.

What is Core: Communion

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: He is there with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper.

What is Core: Jesus

What is most important?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe?

Moving beyond the Ashes

How do you restore the joy to life and ministry again?

Phil Ware talks about burn out and how God restored Elijah to ministry and freshness after his great victory on Mt. Carmel and his collapse in the desert.

What Do You Learn from the Darkness

When life is tough, how does faith really help?

Ron Rose writes about hard times and hospital visits and Job and Israel and what we do with the darkness we find ourselves in.

Jesse's Visit with Jesus

What happens when Jesus comes to visit?

Phil Ware uses a story narrative to remind us what it means to live God's will and fulfill the 10 Commandments.

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

What happened to Jesus' promise?

Ron Rose writes about unanswered prayers and letting God find us and us having conversations with our heavenly Father.

Enter The Story

How do you fit into God's story?

Phil Ware begins the journey through The Story of God and talks about how our story and God's story intersects and involves us in his great unfolding saga of grace and redemption.

Motel 6

When is a cup of coffee a whole lot more?

Thom Lemmons tells us a story that gets to the heart of danger in sexual temptation and lust and a need for a friend.

Father, Your Servant Is Listening

How will I get everything done on my to do list?

Tom Norvell reminds us to listen to God's voice for time alone with him to be renewed, rekindled, and directed to what matters most in our lives and on our to do lists.

In a Dream

What do you do with your shattered dreams?

Phil Ware talks about the recurring phrase in Matthew 1 and 2, in a dream, and how God fills the empty spaces left behind by our broken dreams.


Are you prepared for an emergency?

We shouldn't wait until we find ourselves in crisis to look for God.

The Scattered Church

How is the church like manure?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the church is sent, scattered, meant to infiltrate and penetrate the world and make a difference.

Holy Passion: Sacred Sexuality

What, talk about sex and God in the same sentence?

Phil Ware shares about the sacredness of our sexual relationship as husbands and wives and calls us to follow Jesus in how we deal with this issue.

Looking for a Sacred Job?

Isn't it time to consider giving up your secular work?

Ron Rose talks about the difference and the parallel of sacred and secular work and the jobs we have and do and whether or not we are secular or sacred people.

Living for Just One!

Will you live all of life as worship, or just a few hours per wek?

Phil Ware asks what we should wear to worship God and challenges us to see all of life as sacred space!

The Forgotten Virtue

Is it hard to be humble when you think yourself great?

Rubel Shelly talks about the virtue of humility and how it is in short supply these days.

Coming to Terms with Change

Don't like change? Here's something worse and something better!

Rubel Shelly talks about change and our need for it or we grow obsolete and irrelevant.

The National Debt

How did we get into this mess?

Rubel Shelly is talking about money and debt and solutions to it at a national and personal level.

The Father's Love

How deep is His love for us?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the overwhelming deep love the Father has for us and reminds us that he gives us glimpses of this in a good father's relationship and love for his children.


Every sacrifice matters, that's why he came!

Image for memorial day.