Articles Tagged 'Red Sea'

They Danced!

They danced while still not knowing exactly where they would even sleep that night.

Melissa Troyer reminds us of the importance of marking each stage of our deliverance and our journey with God, with joy and dancing!

Before the Red Sea Parts

Life is as full of beauty as it is uncertainty if we open our eyes to see the divine fingerprints of grace.

Melissa Troyes writes with beauty about God’s touches of grace on a trip to New England with her family as she wrestles with the grief over an aunt who is gone too soon and the uncertainty of the future of her family and where they will live.

When the Way Out Is Through

What do we do in the middle of our challenges and problems with no plan in sight?

Phil Ware begins a series called Saved at Sea which focuses on God's deliverance and truth found in the stories about the sea and rivers and water in the Bible.