Articles Tagged 'Relig' (Page 2)

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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The Nones

Are you a none?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the group of those who claim none for religion is growing quickly in the U.S. and that they do so because they are are tired of the hypocrisy.

Bribery, Cursing, and Lying

What do you see around Jesus?

Brian McCutchen reminds us that the Cross is a nasty, hurtful, despicable place where Jesus died.

Our Failure to See God

How could this happen?

Rubel Shelly looks at how easily the religious of Jesus' day dismissed what he did and reminds us that it is still happening today.

Same Thing, Only Different

How can we follow in the same pattern doing the same ol' thing yet it appear on the surface as something very different?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called the journey home, this message is about how both sons wanted the same thing and both loved the father's stuff more than they loved the father.

The Hardest Lesson Lost

Are we the older brothers?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home focusing this week on the older brother and the hardest lesson to lose: that it is better in the Father's house!

SBNR: Spiritual But Not Religious

Can you really be this in the real world?

Rubel Shelly tackles the myth that you can be spiritual without being a part of a religious community, at least as a Christian.

SpiritFire - Two Choices

Which do you choose?

Phil Ware kicks off a series called SpiritFire on the Holy Spirit and emphasizes we have to either walk by the flesh or by the Spirit.

Have We Missed the Point?

Is there a real difference? What would you say?

Ron Rose talks about the difference between living with faith and being religious and asks if there is a difference between being a Christian and being religious.

Strange Neighbors

Why would God place us in close proximity to these people?

Phil Ware talks about weird neighbors and who God has sent us to hear so we can lead them to Christ.

Worthless Religion?

What can empty our faith of its value?

Tammy Marcelain shares insight on who we welcome and how we welcome them into our midst, and also reflects on what we do to push them away and hurt them with our words and actions.

Post 9-11, Prayer, & Politics

Are you ready for the bumpy ride?

Phil Ware reflects on 9-11 and reminds us to pray, while directing us to read and think through our faith.

Getting Close to God

Are you righteous enough to get close to God?

Bill Denton reminds us that the Pharisees' problem wasn't their love for Scripture, but their willingness to condemn others and justify themselves.

The Frantic Pursuit of Rest

Why does it seem to get farther away while we run faster to chase it?

Bill Sherrill talks about our rush to rush into everything and how we need to read God's Book about life and how to experience it.

The Jesus Vibe: The Shear

Why would anyone want to live in a place with such strong currents?

We are called to live in the strong currents where Jesus' Kingdom meets the world and those trapped by darkness, but we need to know there is both danger and richness.

The Jesus Vibe: Daily Altar of Grace

Can't I just keep a little of my life protected from this?

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.

What Do You Think?

Sometimes, don't you think you ought to find the answer for yourself?

While spiritual leaders have wisdom and knowledge, they are not always right and we should seek to answer many of our own questions ourselves using the Bible as our guide.

Seeking God

What god are you seeking?

Idolatry in India leads to a false notion that their gods are drinking milk, but the true and living God knows us and cares about us.

Sausage Over Souls

Why in the world would anyone choose sausage over a life being changed?

The healing of the madman and the reaction of the crowd remind us once again that people are often prejudiced against anything that costs them something even if it benefits other people.

The Added Burden

Is your faith lifting burdens or adding to them?

Religion often addes burdens to people's backs, but Jesus came and relieved burdens.

Where is Your Church?

Do you know where your church really is?

Church is found where people who make up the Lord's Body are at work doing Kingdom business.

Christmas Clause

Would people really want to take Christ our the nativity?

A preacher gets in trouble talking about Christmas on Sunday, but warns that the world will take Christ out of Christmas.

Thanks for the Flame of Freedom

Will we let them search for themselves?

We need to give our children and grandchildren the opportunity to believe for themselves.

Doing Things Religiously

How are you doing on your spiritual exercises?

Worship is more than what happens every seventh day, it is all of our lives.

You Must Remember the Forgotten

Will you remember those everyone else forgets?

True religion is more than just spouting off religious phrases and remaining isolated from worldly people -- it means to take the sin and worldliness out of people and take care of them.