Articles Tagged 'Repent' (Page 3)

Learning to Tremble

Have you learned the ultimate act of reverence

Kimberly takes an honest self-appraisal and listens to God to learn that she needs to tremble in awe of God and his grace and at her own sin.

Feeling Good about Feeling Bad?

Can you actually feel good about your sorrow for sin?

This is an honest look at repentance and sorrow and life change, and reminds us that God's goal isn't our sorrow, but our reformed life.

Be Like the Dumpster

Why would you ever want to be like a dumpster?

A dumpster with the word grace written on it reminds Tammy Marcelain of the great work that God can do in our lives to bring hope and joy and meaning when we receive His grace.

The Greatest Miracle of All

What is the greatest blessing that we have in Christ?

While there are many miracles in the Bible, the greatest miracle of all is a changed life!

Way of God's Blessing

Have you turned to God's way of blessing?

God blesses us by giving us Jesus and also a holy lifestyle.

Germs of the Spirit

Have you really thrown them away or just tried to clean them up?

We need to not only be sorry for our sin, but we also need to get rid of the things in our lives that lead us to sin.

EPIC Conversion

Do we need to go back and re-think the modern conversion experience?

Let's see conversion more wholistically -- an experience of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection in baptism that involves repentance, and confession of Jesus as Lord, and acceptance of him as Lord and Christ.

Getting Things Right

How are you doing at getting things right?

When we mess things up, we need to confess and say we're sorry and change our behaviors and our heart.

Sorry Rocks

What has repentance led you to change?

Repentance leads us to life change, not to just doing the same ol' relgious thing each week.

Covered Signs

Are we keeping the grace of God hidden from outsiders?

So often we cover the signs of God's grace in us with our own pettiness and sinfulness.

Sheep and Cats

Can cats go astray?

We are like sheep, who go astray and need to be brought back; but in our pride we often act like cats and pretend we did nothing wrong.

Haunting Words

Grace for the times an eraser can't undo what we say.

We all say things we truly mean, but we prove ourselves unfaithful to our commitments and can't follow through with our promises; it's then that Jesus' words and Peter's reply become doubly important.