Articles Tagged 'Righteous' (Page 2)

Flying High with Freedom!

We have been set free, so let's not give up our freedom?

Phil Ware reflects on the importance of freedom and what Paul teaches in Galatians.

1 Dad Changes Everything

How much power does one man of God have?!

Phil Ware continues his Saved at Sea series and in this third message reminds us of Noah for Father's Day and also emphasizing the importance of godly and righteous men and dads and the power of their influence.

Blame Game

What? I haven't done anything wrong...!

Phil Ware uses a traffic incident and a crazy, cursing woman to help him make a point about blaming others rather than owning our sin and asking forgiveness for it through confession.

Giving Thanks for Work?

Have you ever thought as your job as your primary place of worship?

Ron Rose reminds us that work is sacred and we should not divide our lives into sacred and secular boxes.

Pool of Mercy

Have you offered sight to the blind?

Cathy Messecar draws us into the story of the man born blind that was healed by Jesus in John 9 and reminds us that we are here to continue Jesus' ministry of healing and mercy.

Getting It Wrong

Come on, now, 'fess up to the truth — it's liberating!

Russ Lawson reminds us that to err is human, that we sin, we mess up, we falter, we are wrong, we make mistakes, but God is in the cleansing and forgiving business and can take care of it if we will admit it and ask for forgiveness.

It Is Time

So how long are you going to wait?

Tom Norvell challenges us a week into the New Year to get about doing the work of God because it is time!

Life as a Fourteen Year Old

Some things shouldn't have to be part of a fourteen year old's life experiences.

Rubel Shelly talks about the shooting of Malala Yousafzai and Heartlight updates her current condition, calling for us to live as God has called us.

Holy Passion: Sacred Sexuality

What, talk about sex and God in the same sentence?

Phil Ware shares about the sacredness of our sexual relationship as husbands and wives and calls us to follow Jesus in how we deal with this issue.

The Hardest Lesson Lost

Are we the older brothers?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home focusing this week on the older brother and the hardest lesson to lose: that it is better in the Father's house!

SH!FT my Life: LIVE_holy

What is my life really about?

Phil Ware continues his series on Shift My Life and talks about what it means to live holy!

Renewal and Spring

A powerful image of renewal!

Pasquale Mingarelli shares pictures and a Bible study to help us remember that spring is the time for renewal

Why Doesn't Hollywood Get It?

Do they even want to

Rubel Shelly writes about Hollywood and their desire to pump unwholesome and unholy stuff into our living rooms and movie theaters despite what the public may want.

What Our Lives Proclaim

What are your habits, patterns, and companions communicating to others?

Russ Lawson reminds us that the habits, patterns, and companions of our lives leave a message in the hearts of all who see us and know us.

God's Twin Grace

Why do we often emphasize one, but forget the other?

Phil Ware writes about the grace of God to save us from sin and for holy living.

Worthless Religion?

What can empty our faith of its value?

Tammy Marcelain shares insight on who we welcome and how we welcome them into our midst, and also reflects on what we do to push them away and hurt them with our words and actions.

In Christ

God does the unthinkable to bless us immeasurably, in Christ!

Patrick Odum shares a clear message from God's word, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, and talks about all God has done to make us worthy in Christ.

Emotional Residue

How can we live above it?

Mike Barres reminds us that discouragements can leave an emotional residue and keep us from living as we should, but we can do some things to live as God would have us live!

Getting Close to God

Are you righteous enough to get close to God?

Bill Denton reminds us that the Pharisees' problem wasn't their love for Scripture, but their willingness to condemn others and justify themselves.


So who are we going to exclude?

Phil Ware reminds us that from the very beginning of the Christian movement, Jesus and His followers recognized that the Gospel and the church are for all people.

Is This On Your List?

Why put something like this on your Christmas list?

Larry Davies reminds of our need to repent and get our hearts and behavior right if we are going to prepare the way for Jesus at Christmas.

The Color of Grace

Which color would you be?

Alan Smith tries to remind us that our goodness comes from Jesus and not from ourselves.

The Violence of the Wicked?

Please end the violence!

Phil Ware shares insight on Psalm 7

Inviting Darkness Home

Who would want to invite this mess home?

If we don't wall pornography off at the source in our lives, then we end up just inviting it home.

Filling the Vacuum

What are you putting in the empty places of their lives?

We've got to fill our kids with good things and not just tell them what not to do, because if we don't fill them with God's stuff, someone is going to fill them with satan's stuff.