Articles Tagged 'Ruth' (Page 4)

Promises Kept!

How do you know you can trust the promises of Jesus?

Phil Ware talks about the promises of Jesus and how we know we can trust them: because he kept the hard and painful promises to die for us.

Respect and Truth-Telling

Would you have told the truth in such dire circumstances?

Rubel Shelly challenges us with an old story to be people of truth and respect even in the most dire and painful circumstances and treat people with the same ethical respect we would expect ourselves.

Good News about Tomorrow

There's a wave of truthfulness headed down the pipeline!

Rubel Shelly talks about his medical ethics class and the importance these students put on telling the truth in all situations.

Mother's Day Messages

Thank you for your legacy of faith.

A simple message from 2 Timothy about mothers.

What Difference Can One Make?

Can one person really make a difference

Phil Ware looks at Ruth and Naomi and the difference one faithful person can make in everything!

Full Disclosure

Would you have come clean?

Mike Barres holds himself accountable for telling the truth, the full truth, and not deceiving others when it is in his best interest.


Are you telling it straight with God, or bending the truth a little?

Bill Denton introduces us to a new word, communifaking, and also challenges us to communicate truthfully.

Face the Mirror and Face the Music

You mean he means me?

Patrick Odum confronts us with the words of John the baptist about repentance and how we need to face ourselves honestly in the mirror.

Root Rot

Can you get too much of a good thing?

Mike Barres reminds us that often what culture is giving us as water is not God's truth and will rot our roots.

The Art of Saying, 'I am Sorry'

Simple words, so why don't we say them more genuinely?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us that saying "I'm sorry" means truly apologizing.

The View from a Troubled Heart

What can we really see from where we are right now?

Bill Sherrill connects to an old King James phrase, the latter days, and reminds us that we often don't see things clearly until time has passed and we view things from God's perspective.

Donkeys Kicking, Sharks Attacking, Airplanes Falling

What do donkeys, sharks, and airplanes have in common?

Russ Lawson reminds us to check out what we are told from Scripture, because just like made up statistics, the facts are not always what is presented to us.

Set Free

Where can I find true freedom?

Tom Norvell thinks about July 4th and reminds us that freedom is found in Jesus.

A Tact Attack

What do you mean my dog is on the roof?

Rubel Shelly shares his insights on tact, telling the truth, kindness, sophistry, avoidance, and sugar coating the truth.

How Falsehoods Diminish Truth

Why would we discredit the resurrection of Jesus by our lifestyle?

Rubel Shelly tells how a famous author fabricated her tale as a Holocaust survivor and then reminds us that this lie diminishes the truth of the Holocaust, and we diminish the truth of Jesus by living in ways which contradict what we say we believe.

All Those Terrible Stories?

Are we listening to what we are saying?

Rubel Shelly is asked a hard question about the awful stories of the Bible and reminds the questioner that it is truthful, gritty, real life story of the human race while offer God's grace to redeem us.

Can Words Have Authority?

Can anyone actually speak with real authority today?

Russ Lawson reminds us that while some words are balderdash and came to us through crazy circumstances, Jesus words are the opposite: he speaks with real authority.

Words, Words, Words

Looking to put the spin on something, then learn from this!

Paul Faulkner reminds us of the awesome power of words and our human ability to use them to distort the truth and anger God.

Will Someone Please Help Me?

Do you know how to get where you're going?

We all need help to get where we're going. If you don't know how to get to Jesus, don't be afraid to ask someone who does.

We are Brothers

How are we alike when we seem so different?

What Christians share in common is much greater than any differences than could seem to separate them.

Christ at the Center

So what is our faith really about?

Phil Ware talks about what is most important about the Bible and the focus of Scripture and the answer is simple: Jesus must be the center of everything.

More Valuable than You Know

How important are the little things you do for others?

Rubel Shelly reminds us how important it is to do simple acts of kindness and not simply look for the splashy and big things to do to bless others.

But I Have to Cheat ... I'm Not Good Enough

Why do people cheat in academics, in their financial dealings, and even in their relationships?

We can never be good enough on our own; it takes God's help to make us what we should be.

The Hanging of Randal Batey

How is your perception?

A humorous account of a hanging leads to some observations on how frequently our perception is wrong.

A World of Deception

How deep does our deception go?

We live in a world of deception but God has called us to be Kingdom people, people who tell the truth and do not deceive, yet forgive those who confess their deceitfulness to us.