Saving belief in Jesus is much more than believing a set of facts. Real belief is to follow Jesus.
05/20/2015 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit with a focus on being born of the Spirit and its ties to faith, baptism, and repentance.
01/26/2015 by Phil Ware
God wants everyone to be saved. Not everyone will be saved, at least not according to the Bible. But that's not because God wants anyone to be lost. It's just that some will refuse to believe.
01/21/2015 by Tim Archer
Centuries ago, in a small unimportant town, our salvation began with a baby's cry. We continue to search and hope for: Peace, goodwill toward men.
12/24/2014 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware writes a two part series on Finding Jesus at Christmas and this one focuses on spending time with Jesus in the Gospels.
12/08/2014 by Phil Ware
Have you ever felt like you had no right to ask God for anything? Or maybe you thought that others would judge you and reject you if they knew your secret? Does it seem like Jesus has something to offer others, but nothing for you? You can have peace.
08/20/2014 by Tim Archer
Jesus wants to remind us that performing a series of religious acts doesn't make us right with God. Our attitude matters. What the Bible calls "the heart." While men look at the outside, God looks at the heart.
07/16/2014 by Tim Archer
Brian McCutchen talks about Connie, her cancer, and her coming to Jesus in faith and baptism and leading many of her family to join her.
06/13/2014 by Brian McCutchen
Throughout the book of Acts, there are examples of regular people telling their friends about how God sent His Son so that the world might be saved. With 4.6 billion souls still needing to hear that story, we have a lot telling to do.
04/23/2014 by Bill Brant
God sent his son Jesus to die for us. He sent him to die so that we could live. The offer of salvation is a precious treasure, yet some won't recognize that. They'll "despise" God's offer, discarding this gift like yesterday's trash.
03/12/2014 by Tim Archer
I've been thinkin' about Heaven, a lot, lately. And I've decided that I don't care what it looks like, or if we have to wait a 1000 years, or if everything I know will be made new. Heaven is where God and Jesus are and that's where I want to be.
02/12/2014 by Bill Brant
Rubel Shelly reminds us of MLK, Martin Luther King, Jr., and how he taught us we were all equal in God's eyes and that Jesus was the answer to uniting us into one people under God.
02/07/2014 by Rubel Shelly
Being a follower of Jesus makes one's life NEW and notice the words that said old things have passed away. When you make that decision to follow Jesus and are baptized, then your "old things" do not matter to God anymore; you are NEW.
01/08/2014 by Bill Brant
Every man's life is divided into "Before Christ" and "After Christ." We come to know of him, we learn about him, then we decide. We decide to reject him and all that he stands for. Or we believe in him, and receive all that he has to offer.
01/01/2014 by Tim Archer
The red dragon has a place in the nativity story. The dragon reminds us why we needed a Savior in the first place. John tells us that the dragon is the ancient serpent that deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He is the tempter that brought about t
12/18/2013 by Tim Archer
Cathy Messecar confesses her struggle to make giving something that honors God and not herself and she talks about the Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive.
12/07/2013 by Cathy Messecar
As you remember the Christmas story this December, amid the buying of presents, gathering with family and no doubt overeating, take some time to remember your own Salvation story. Then share it with your friends and loved ones.
12/04/2013 by Bill Brant
Remembering the joy of our conversion can help us to live better today
10/30/2013 by Bill Brant
I would give almost anything to obtain the cure for my permanent disease. Those who don't know Jesus are suffering a terminal existence that can be changed by taking THE Cure.
08/21/2013 by Bill Brant
But you see, there are times when we have to face the truth that not every option is equal and not every choice is valid. When it comes to eternal life, to salvation, to having a relationship with God, there's only one way: through Jesus Christ.
07/31/2013 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series on Out of the Box and focusing on the big Four primal fears that Jesus helps us address and he reminds us that salvation involves a from, for, and to component and shouldn't be simply elevator theology.
07/29/2013 by Phil Ware
The crucifixion and resurrection are at the heart of the good news of Jesus. He came to this world, was rejected and killed, then overcame death and the grave. One day he will come again, and God will judge the world through him. Those who have put their
03/27/2013 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues with his series on The Story focusing on the What Is and Who Is and the Why Is of Jesus' coming.
03/10/2013 by Phil Ware
It's important to start our walk with God, but even more important that we finish it. We have to persevere until the end.
02/06/2013 by Tim Archer
Even if death seems a better alternative than anything else that lies ahead. You can find life instead. You can find Jesus.
11/07/2012 by Tim Archer