Articles Tagged 'Samaritan'

Jesus' Power to Get It Done

We must not forget to punch that little red button and make sure the current of heaven's grace and power flow to us and flow through us to the world.

Phil Ware continues his series called 8GHT, focusing on eight principles out of Acts 1:1-10, today his focus is on the Holy Spirit being the power behind the early church.

The Shear

We are called to live in the strong currents where Jesus' Kingdom meets the world and those trapped by darkness, and we need to know there is both danger and richness as we live in 'The Shear.'

Phil Ware continues his series on becoming JesuShaped disciples.

Jesus' Power to Get It Done

We must not forget to punch that little red button and make sure the current of heaven’s grace and power flow to us and flow through us to the world.

Phil Ware continues his series called, 8GHT, focusing on eight principles out of Acts 1, today his focus is on the Holy Spirit being the power behind the early church.

No Fear Here!

Do we let love drive out our fear, or are we still holding back?

Phil Ware reminds us what we know, but often don't practice; our love must have no barriers.

Go and Do Likewise

What do you do, actually do, to help your neighbor?

Yet this parable, or teaching story, is focused on one man who personally, intimately and immediately did something. Thus, the lesson is that as followers of Jesus, we need to go and do likewise as we travel over our own roads of life and help those in ne

The Gift of Sympathizing Mercy

Mercy turns in active compassion.

Brian McCutchen reminds us that mercy is active compassion that makes a difference in people's lives and not just a fleeting feeling about bad news.

Good Samaritan Not Appreciated

Why would anyone not be thankful for getting back $1200?

Rubel Shelly tells the story of a man finding $1200 and not being thanked when he returned it and he talks about the principle of being a good Samaritan.

Would Someone Please Help?

You've been there, haven't you, where you needed help and wondered if anyone was there?

Phil Ware talks about using our summers to do God's work.

A Dry Time

Who around you needs more than just a drink?

Tom Norvell talks about a spiritually dry time, when there seems to be a void in our souls and spiritual life seems difficult and he reminds us of the woman at the well in John 4 and how Jesus gave her much more than water and how she shared this water wi


Who is my neighbor?

Phil Ware talks about the parable of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus calls us to neighboring.

The Sudden Kingdom

Have you ventured beyond the grace you've received?

Jesus brings us gracious gifts, but if we receive the gift without thanking and praising Him, we miss out on the Sudden Kingdom.