Steve Hemphill reminds us of the great power for those of us who believe God is still the Great I AM and who intervenes to bless and empower his people today.
09/25/2016 by Steve Hemphill
Max Lucado talks about the defeat of Satan, the devil, by Jesus on the cross.
02/14/2016 by Max Lucado
Satan's plan to destroy you is to confuse you about what God said, lie about what God said, and convince you that you can be your own god.
07/29/2015 by Steve Ridgell
Rubel Shelly reminds us of the sly intentions of the evil one who would like to deceive us, but we can and do have the power to resist.
03/21/2015 by Rubel Shelly
Rubel Shelly talks about the way Satan dupes into buying the lie about holiness and goodness and gets us to buy the sins of self-destruction.
03/07/2015 by Rubel Shelly
Rubel Shelly talks about a gruesome murder attributed to satanist and reminds us that most satanists are like most folks who claim to be Christians, they don't really walk their talk, they just want to do what they want to do!
03/06/2014 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware reminds us the way Jesus uses grace as an action, a living out of God's grace, in real life that has urges that Go back to the original woman and man.
02/03/2014 by Phil Ware
The red dragon has a place in the nativity story. The dragon reminds us why we needed a Savior in the first place. John tells us that the dragon is the ancient serpent that deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He is the tempter that brought about t
12/18/2013 by Tim Archer
Max Lucado uses the woman caught in adultery to remind us of the accusing voices we hear in our head and in our life and reminds us that this is from the adversary, the devil and challenges us to listen to the voice of Jesus.
09/17/2012 by Max Lucado
Rubel Shelly talks about the two lies satan tells about God and that we often believe, that God tries to limit us and that when we sin God wants to punish us.
10/17/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his series on When Spirit Becomes Flesh and talks about Jesus as heaven's light.
12/17/2010 by Phil Ware
Satan feeds us lies that let us feel good about doing what we really wanted to do all along.
12/15/2010 by Steve Ridgell
Rubel Shelly discusses both the problem and the purpose of pain in the believer's life.
09/14/2009 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware talks about persecution of believers today and how we can make a difference.
09/08/2008 by Phil Ware
Sarah Stirman talks about her daughter's basketball playing and how coaches warn their teams to watch out for her, number 3.
09/04/2008 by Sarah Stirman
Alan Smith uses a story by Elie Wiesel to help make the point that sometimes we have to do things that seem even futile because we don't want to be changed into something we don't want to be.
04/04/2008 by Alan Smith
Patrick Odum reminds us that overcoming temptation requires us to resist the devil, but he also adds some other insights from James' famous passage about overcoming temptation by being honest about oursleves and our need for God.
07/26/2007 by Patrick D. Odum
Phil Ware shares his continuing series on the Jesus vibe and focuses on how Jesus won the war over sin and temptation.
07/23/2007 by Phil Ware
Selfishness is what really lies behind all of marriage problems and the devil wants to use selfish people and marriage problems to render the church ineffective.
01/10/2007 by Byron Ware
Sin is like a virus Satan has designed to appear harmless, infect us, spread, and render everything useless and destroy everything.
11/29/2006 by Bill Sherrill
Jesus finished his work, accomplished his mission, completed his task, passed his test, and when his life was over he was victorious.
09/18/2006 by Phil Ware
Dumb criminals remind us that we are all just a step away from moral calamity and disaster and must resist satan and draw near to God.
07/25/2006 by Rubel Shelly
We've got to be honest about our weakness and inconsistency and quit trying to blame everything on someone or something else, including satan or the devil.
04/11/2006 by Rubel Shelly
Don't you wish you could say, like Jesus said, that the devil or Satan has no hold on you?
03/14/2006 by Tom Norvell
We shouldn't play around with sin because it opens the door of heart to evil and satan.
07/25/2005 by Phil Ware