Articles Tagged 'Seeking'

Prayer and Mission

So if they didn't and couldn't, how dare we?

Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.

I May Know Why You Are Reading This

What if you are reading this article because God planned it?

God has always found a way to connect his followers with those seeking him.

Prayer and Mission

So if they didn't and couldn't, how dare we?

Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.


It's time to go treasure hunting

If we want to find God, first we have to look for Him

To Seek, to Reach Out, to Find

When human plans meet God's design…

God acted at Babel so that men would seek Him rather than seeking their own glory, so they would reach out for Him rather than merely depending on one another, so that men would find Him.

God Never Stops Calling

Have you heard his voice?

Tammy Marcelain shares about her return home to God and how it was a walk with Jesus that did it.

Seeking God

What god are you seeking?

Idolatry in India leads to a false notion that their gods are drinking milk, but the true and living God knows us and cares about us.

I Need You Every Hour

Are you this desperate for God?

The words of an old song remind us of our deep need for God and longing for him.

Do Not Disturb!

How long would you wait?

Sometimes it seems that we can't get through to God no matter how long we wait on him.

The Joy of Finding

What brings you joy?

There is great joy in finding what was once lost.