Articles Tagged 'Sent' (Page 2)

Our Father Is Not Silent!

Does God still speak and make his presence known in our lives or is he silent, leaving us to decipher our own way through our troubled world?

Phil Ware continues his series on finding God's vision for our lives and living on mission for God.

Knowing Jesus

Don't you want to know more than just facts about Jesus?

Phil Ware reminds us that there is simply no substitute for truly knowing Jesus!

Beyond Description

The beloved disciple wants us to know and love Jesus like he does!

Phil Ware looks at the gospel of John chapter 1 and reflects on all the titles, names, and descriptions given to Jesus in this one chapter and what it really means for us.

Primal Fears

Instinctive? Maybe. Pervasive? Absolutely! Primal fears have plagued humanity for as long as we have told stories and laid awake at night... afraid!

Phil Ware looks at Jesus and how he brings us victory over our worst fears as adults.

Viewing People as Jesus Did!

Too often as human beings, we tend to view people in ways that demean their value to God and reveal the diminished value we place upon them.

Phil Ware reminds us of the four ways we often view people that are very crass and treats them as less than human, then he compares that to how Jesus views people.

Ancient Wisdom, Today’s Grace: Surprise!

When is it okay to think that we've arrived at spiritual maturity?

Phil Ware continues his series on 'Ancient Wisdom, Today's Grace' and focuses on our desire to continue to grow in Christ.

Turning an Enemy into a Friend

It's the best way to eliminate an enemy

When we forgive our enemies, we make our lives happier and make the world a better place.

The Lord is Near: Doubts

How do we hang onto God's promises when they seem too good to be true?

Phil Ware shares his third in a series of 6 messages on the promise that the LORD is near; this time focusing on our doubts.

The Lord is Near: Promises

Some promises matter more because of when they are made!

Phil Ware shares his second in a series focused on Jesus' promises to never leave us or forsake us.

Jesus Promises His Presence

Can we really expect to meet Jesus!

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect and reminds us that Jesus promised to be present with us as we live out the four moves of the Andrew Effect.

His Perpetual Presence

He longs to go with you, wherever and whenever...

Max Lucado reminds us that God longs to be with us and for us to be reassured of his pervasive and blessed presence in our lives.

Your Default Face

What do you look like when you are not trying look any certain way?

Deonna Shake uses her vast coaching and playing experience to introduce a key concept called "default face" and reminds us that how we carry ourselves says a lot about us.

But One Thing I Do!

How do we keep from letting the past dominate our future?

Phil Ware reminds us to let the past stay in the past and gives us Paul's advice for moving beyond our past: forgetting, straining, pressing on.

'A Sort of Christ'

Can we re-find the way of Christ?

Rubel Shelly challenges us as the church to awaken to the call of Jesus and arise from our lethargy as an institution to reclaim our mission and purpose as Jesus' presence in the world.

Finding Jesus: O Living Word

Can Jesus really be experienced at Christmas?

Phil Ware continues his Christmas series on finding Jesus and emphasizes Jesus' promise to be real to us and near us and in us if we seek him and ask him.


Forgiveness is good for you!

Forgiveness is good for you. Resentment is harmful. The choice should be easy, yet we often find ourselves keeping a record of the wrongs done against us.


Why would they let the person responsible for their son's death off the hook?

Phillip Morrison talks about the greatest Christmas gift of all, the gift of forgiveness.

Sighing for Home

How do we deal with the longing?

Phil Ware continues his thoughts on the Immanuel passages in Matthew and challenges us to not settle for less than an experience of God -- Father, Son or Holy Spirit -- and not simply religious experience.

With You Always

Can I really know and experience Jesus in my daily life?

Phil Ware does part 4 of a 5 part series on experiencing Jesus' presence from the gospel of Matthew, focusing on the Great Commission and Jesus' promise to be present.

Fearing the Big 4 No More!

Is there really any hope to address our deepest fears?

Phil Ware continues his series the Big Four fears we have, Deep, Demonic, Disease, and Death and reminds us that Jesus has been here, will not abandon us or forsake us, and will see us through.

In olden Times It Was Different

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be

Don't dwell on the past. Don't despair about the present. Look to the future and know that God is going to do wonderful things. And let that fill you with hope.

The Story: Second Incarnation

Can I really experience Jesus today?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story focusing on the early chapters of Acts and the coming of the Spirit and the work done in the name of Jesus!

What is Core: Communion

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: He is there with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper.

I Am: Handwritten Messages from Heaven - Fear

How in the world do I obey that command?

Phil Ware continues his series on I AM from the Gospel of John and focuses on Jesus' statement that he is I AM and so we should not fear.

More than Words

God spoke His greatest message with just one Word!

Phil Ware talks about why he and about 100 others go to Peru each year when it costs so much.