Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 15)

I Will Cling to the Old Rugged Cross

Like him, and because of him, we live and die to live again.

Phillip Morrison reminds us where the journey of Holy Week ends and our new life in Christ begins, the cross and the empty tomb.

Your Feet in His Hands

We say, “No! Don’t wash their feet, Jesus. Tell them to wash Yours!”

Max Lucado writes reminding us of our need for being washed and made clean by Jesus.


What are the achievements that validate your credibility at doing the things you are called to do?

Phil Ware looks at the way we chase and give credibility in our world and reminds how Paul showed credibility in his own: becoming a servant, in weakness, and letting God's glory and power be seen in him.

Life Happens!

No one is exempt from life’s challenges.

Brian McCutchen uses the journey of Asaph in Psalm 73 to remind us that life happens to everyone, but God is with those who love him.

Trust God to Lead

Why do we worry about what lies ahead when we know the One Who is already there?

Max Lucado reminds us to trust God to lead us into the future and not worry about what is ahead.

The Story of Our Savior's Birth

Sometimes we just need to hear the familiar story told simply with fresh words.

Jesus' birth stories from Matthew and Luke are shared in straight Scripture from The Voice Bible.

The Weather When Jesus Came

What will your weather be this Christmas?

Phil Ware recalls a refreshing winter morning that reminds him of the weather when Jesus came.

Jesus, Be Born in Me

Like Mary, we don't know fully what we are committing to do, but we know that our ultimate destination is Jesus.

Phil Ware reminds us of the gritty reality of Jesus' birth and Mary choosing to accept the challenge of being Jesus' mother and reminds us of our need to commit to have Jesus born in our lives.


Wow! What a precious addition to our Christmas with these boys. We hope to do something like this every year.

Phil Ware shares a quick thank you for all who have donated and then focuses on establishing a new tradition of teaching his grandchildren to share what they have with others.

We've Got to Listen Before We Speak

Don't focus on what you're going to say!

I've come to believe that's the wrong focus. Instead of thinking of what we're going to say, we need to focus on listening. What will we hear? How will we get the other person to open up? Can we learn enough about them to help them draw closer to God


As long as there is life, we have a mission and purpose to complete.

Phil Ware reminds us that we are called to accomplish the mission God has called us to do so that when our days on earth are over we can say we have finished the work he has given us to do.

Knowing the People Makes the Difference

It's all about who you know

Who do you know that needs your prayers and your help? What else can you do to help them because knowing the people makes the difference!

Simple, Complex, and Awesome

Are we really letting our love light shine in a world filled with so much darkness?

Byron Ware reminds us that in our world of darkness, now more than ever, we need to be a people who do put love into practice every day.

No Fear Here!

Do we let love drive out our fear, or are we still holding back?

Phil Ware reminds us what we know, but often don't practice; our love must have no barriers.


How can such a discovery, no matter how badly dirt-encrusted and stained, not be seen as a genuine treasure?

Phil Ware tells us a simple story of a mother's love to remind how our Father sees us as his treasure.

Be a Blessing

When we open our hearts and lives to him, God fills them with wondrous, eternal treasures.

Phillip Morrison reminds us that giving of ourselves and our funds brings untold blessings to both the receiver and the giver!

Willing to Be Powerful

Dear God in heaven, we’d sure like to have a little bit of power to alter our irrelevance, lighten the burdens of others, and heal the wounds of the broken and despairing.

Phil Ware writes out of the context of recent disasters and the loss of a mother and child to remind us that being a servant, offering ourselves in sacrificial love, is never a waste!


If the gospel we believe doesn't cause us to liberate people from the chains of our prejudices and selfishness, then perhaps we don’t understand it.

Patrick Odom uses the short letter of Paul to Philemon to remind us what is important in Christ.

Sharks, Life, and Sharing Jesus

A Great White shark jumped into the boat. You never know when someone is going to realize they need help.

Sometimes it takes a major life crisis for people to realize they need Jesus. Be ready to share your faith.

Honesty with God on Our Journey of Faith

Thankfully the Bible is honest about the flaws of our heroes so we can know that we can be a person of faith useful to God, too!

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that Abraham's journey of faith wasn't easy, his life was not perfect, and his questions for God were real.

Sharing Good News

There's nothing more natural than sharing good news

We forget that the story of Jesus is good news, something that should be naturally shared with people we know.

Aren't the Trees Nice and Full!

We are called to be a group of mustard seed people — folks who know they are GATHERED to be TRANSFORMED and SCATTERED.

Phil Ware introduces us to the concept of and calls us to be a people who gather to transform and scatter.

Not a Patch, but a Whole New World

Pursue Jesus. Completely pursue him. You will notice that while you are not religious, you are being drawn to a holy character and gracious compassion that religion longs to impart, but cannot!

Phil Ware continues looking at the gospel of Mark and reminds us that Jesus isn't a patch on religion or a new joy to infuse old and stale religion; he is an altogether all new thing.

More Mess than Ministry?

When we choose our way, when we think we must be true to what we feel rather than what Jesus said, we find ourselves opposing the work of Christ.

Phil Ware reminds us that authentic ministry involves listening for the will of God in time in God's presence, genuine compassionate and personal care for those who are broken, and obedience to Jesus as our Lord.

Sharing Jesus Is not Like Selling Ads, but Still...

What I learned about sharing Jesus from selling ads.

A parable is a story that illustrates a spiritual point -- like selling phone book ads and making disciples.