Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 19)

Saved From... Saved For!

We don't want to be swimming with Jonah on the shoreline!

Phil Ware continues with his series on Saved at Sea from the great Bible stories of sea rescues and this time examines Jonah and that he was saved from death for God's great purposes.

Delete! Delete! Delete!

What can you do after the message is sent?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we have to choose our words carefully because we don't have an unsend button for our mouth or a delete button to use after the words are spoken.

Responsible for Your People

You are responsible

As a leader, whether political, military, or religious, you are responsible for your people. If you do not take care of, feed, heal and attend to their welfare, they will become enslaved to others and you will be held accountable for their capture and con

Out Fishing the Fisherman

What happens when Jesus confronts us in our area of strength?

Phil Ware continues his series on Saved at Sea looking this week at the call of Simon Peter and the miraculous catch of fish when it shouldn't have happened unless Jesus is Lord.

Can Jesus Survive Religion's Failures?

How has Jesus survived the messes his followers have made over the centuries?

Jesus and the gospel message about Jesus continues to be more resilient than the failures, foibles, and fractures among his people.

'What Sort of Man Is This?'

Who in the world is this man?

Phil Ware continues his series called 'Saved at Sea' with his fourth message on life's most important question, 'What sort of man is this?'

The Old Spy's Request

To wholly follow the holy God

While the lessons are numerous when studying the life of Caleb, the single ever present aspect is his commitment to following God whether on a secret mission, unsuccessfully arguing to take the land, waiting 40 years or finally defeating the enemy.

Don't Settle for a Small Destiny

What do we let define us, call or catastrophe?

Max Lucado from his book "You'll Get Through This" encourages us to not let our disappointments define us but instead let God's destiny for us define us.

When the Way Out Is Through

What do we do in the middle of our challenges and problems with no plan in sight?

Phil Ware begins a series called Saved at Sea which focuses on God's deliverance and truth found in the stories about the sea and rivers and water in the Bible.

Bored to Life

Is rest really necessary for holy and whole living?

Phil Ware talks about the importance of rest and the Sabbath principle.

His Hands Will Touch You, Too!

When you see this man, who do you see?

Max Lucado writes about the man born blind in John 9 and reminds us that even though no one else notices us as a person, Jesus does.

More than a Memorial

Is there something more to The Supper than just remembering?

Phil Ware talks about the importance of taking time to remember Jesus and restore Jesus in the Lord's Supper.

Throw What Stinks Out of God's House!

What's the greatest danger to participating in a great move of God?

Phil Ware finishes up his series on Nehemiah and emphasizes the importance of leaders being people of integrity.

Finding Happiness?

Are we looking in the right places to find happiness for ourselves?

Teresa Bell Kindred reminds us that what we define as happiness is nearly always temporary pleasure that is soon gone and leaves us unhappy; happiness is really on our own shoulders.

Vanishing Friendship

What are you going to do to stem the loss of friendship in your life?

Rubel Shelly talks about the repeated and consistent loss of friends and friendship in American culture and how we can combat it.

On the Other Side

Like the disciples, we often look directly at Jesus yet fail to recognize him.

He moved about the room like a tornado comprised of stickers, kittens, lollipops and pure joy.

Unworthy and Under-qualified

How are we ever going to find anyone to help serve?

Phil Ware shares the first in a series of messages on Nehemiah called "Doing God's Work with Dirty Hands" and focuses on our willingness to be useable and moldable and trusting in the LORD's great power.

They Ran!

He is risent! What do we do with that news?

In "church" there is talk about "sharing the Gospel", almost as an academic exercise. Yet, it wasn't an analytical exercise for those who first faced a risen Jesus, and maybe it shouldn't be for us. The example is very clear. He is Risen! and we need

Holding Jesus' Miracles in My Hands

Sometimes we get to touch what Jesus has done and it is breathtaking!

Phil Ware writes about Compassion international and seeing the incredible things God is doing through the projects in Fortaleza, Brazil using the help of sponsors and ground personnel to free children from poverty in Jesus' name.

The One with the Power

The winds and the waves obey Him!

The next time you see a wonder of nature, don't just wonder at nature. Wonder at the One who created it all. The One with the power to stop wind and waves with just a word. For he is the same One with the power to change your life. He is the One wit

But Who Won the Game?

Sometimes the final score doesn't count as much as the way the game is played!

Rubel Shelly writes about a basketball game between the Gainesville Tornadoes and the Vanguard Vikings and the fans who helped give the team a life.

A Grey Sponge or a Pure Heart

Do you really want to fill your sponge with grey water?

Teresa Bell Kindred compares seeing Fifty Shades of Grey to a dirty mop bucket and a sponge.

Fifty Shades of Grace: Intimacy

What does God really want for us in intimacy

Phil Ware continues his series on fifty shades of grace and what God has in mind for us in marriage with sexual and physical and spiritual and emotional intimacy.

Letting Hatred Go...

Why do we hold onto the things that poison us the most?

Stacy Voss reminds us that we can let our bitterness and un-forgiveness poison us and steal our lives from us.

The Least of These

Have you fed Jesus lately?

You will probably never get the chance to give pizza to a famous actor. But you can reach out and help Jesus today. You can serve the hungry, the thirsty, the lonely, the naked, or the prisoner. You can help "the least of these" and really be doing it for