Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 20)

Fifty Shades?

Is it Grey or Gray?

Patrick Odum writes about 50 Shades of Grey and reminds us to think carefully about our participation and expectation of the movie and our sexuality.

The Missing Link

What's lacking when see all this failure in positions of leadership?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the real missing link in so many great athletes, politicians, and business leaders is integrity and character.

Praise from the Pit

I don't like Jonah, but I do like this!

Stacy Voss reminds us of the story of Jonah and how Jonah praised God from the pit, from the belly of the beast, the fish.

Tiny Enough for All of Us

Before we put Jesus away with our Christmas ornaments, let's pause for...

Phil Ware has one more Christmas thought to place in our hearts before we lose Jesus in the New Year!

The Best New Year Ever

How would you like to have the best New Year ever? Jesus can make it happen.

Pay off my biggest debt, restore my most important relationship, and find real meaning and purpose for my life. Now that would be the best New Year ever.

A Prayer about Things We Cannot Change

Sometimes life is not fair with us, so what are we going to do about it?

Rubel Shelly shares an important reality about dealing with the hand we are dealt and living life recognizing that there are many things we cannot change but have to do the best we can with.

The Parable of the Birds

This white Christmas revels more than a snowman.

Phillip Morrison talks about the incarnation of God in human flesh in Jesus and the parable of the birds to explain why God had to do it.

Good News for Christmas

In the dark night of the soul or caught in the foggy haze of confusion, is there good news for me?

Rick Brown writes a beautiful story on the background of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a reminder that Jesus came for all of us misfits so we could know we fit in.

The Weather when Jesus Came

What will the weather be this Christmas?

Phil Ware reminds us of the weather when Jesus came, filled with the fresh wind and heavenly breezes of heaven brought by the Holy Spirit.

Remembering What Really Matters

So where are you investing your time, your moments, your days?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to focus and live based on what lasts and is important and endures into eternity.

The Gift We Really Need

So watcha asking for this Christmas?

Cathy Messecar reminds us what we need most at Christmas and that only God can give us what humanity and our broken world cannot give.

'...and thankful!'

So we are supposed to give thanks for this?

Phil Ware continues his 4 part series on Thanksgiving and how important it is for churches to leverage change and growth in in their church families.

Act(s) 1: Scene 3 — Witnesses

Learning to reach out, and further out, to speak for Jesus.

Mark Frost continues his series on Acts scene 1, with a great article on being witnesses built around Acts 1:8 and about reaching the world -- here, near, and far.

Act(s) 1: Scene 2 — Glory Days

Everything seems better than it relaly was.

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares the second in his series on Acts and nostalgia and doing the work of God in bringing the Kingdom of God.

Co-heirs with Christ

Paul blows away the confusion and declares us all equally heirs of God's promise!

Phil Ware continues his series on the way God values a woman and how Pentecost begins a new humanity that is to work itself out in the life of Jesus' people, the church.

Welcome to the Dance

All of life is a dance if we will only remember who needs to take the lead!

Lisa Noble shares a beautiful and intimate reflection of her walk, or better yet her dance with the Lord and his lead in her life.

One of Us

Sometimes what we need most is a friend!

Phillip Morrison writes to remind us that the Ferguson tragedy is not new, but a repeated wound or scar, and we need trusted friends to help address the issue, and the same is true with our lives and Jesus our friend.

Early Morning Coffee Discipline

What's this discipline of early morning coffee?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even early morning coffee can be a good thing if it is tied to a great habit of self-disciplined focus.

Interconnected Grace

Far from isolationism, we are called to

Phil Ware challenges us to think about the small blue planet we find ourselves on and how are we going to interconnect it with grace.

Blame Game

What? I haven't done anything wrong...!

Phil Ware uses a traffic incident and a crazy, cursing woman to help him make a point about blaming others rather than owning our sin and asking forgiveness for it through confession.

Closing Time

Sooner or later you have to say good bye, but what does good bye really mean?

Phil Ware finishes the third in a series of posts that focus on the 2014 July mission trip to Lima, Peru and Sagrada Familia children's home and he focuses on the last day of saying good bye and welcoming new children into the family of God.

Sing the Jesus Song!

So we are supposed to sing a song to get us on the same page?

Phil Ware of continues his series on inviting Jesus back to church with us and asks us to use Jesus to evaluate everything we do based on Jesus' example and teaching and use Paul's Christ hymn as our Jesus filter.

The Plateaued Church

What happens when culture passes us by?

Tim Woodroof continues his series on the ways we need to freshen our approach to church if we are going to connect with people in today's world and how we react to our own church issues.

The Night I Was Argentine

Sometimes, everyone gets to be a part of things

My status as an Argentine was a fleeting thing. It ended when the World Cup celebration was over. But my right to be a part of God’s people will never end.

Nothing Left But the Center Stripe

What do you do when all the lanes seem closed?

When there seem to be no good answers, we need to have some strategies to help us deal with life's problems.