Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 23)

Where Is Your Olive Oil?

Where do you go when you don't think you have enough?

Robyn F. Johnson shares the story of the widow and Elisha in 2 Kings 4, and she reminds us that God cares for us and provides for us, we just need to look for our little vial of olive oil and offer it to him.

Strong and Courageous?

Is there something that can move us beyond being frozen in fear?

Phil Ware reminds us that Joshua 1 and God's famous charge to Joshua to be strong and courageous is as much a promise and faithfulness from God as it is commitment and trust from us.

You Were Born to be You!

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Can you know?

Tom Norvell reminds us that God made us uniquely to be us and the best thing we can be is to be who we were born and re-born to be.

Time to Get out of the Boat!

Why are you just sitting there?

Phil Ware finishes his series on Out of the Box with a final call to get out of the boat and follow Jesus.

Influence: Not a Church Word!

Can we really start over?

Ron Rose reminds us that influence and starting over and being a new creation is something God does all the time and we just need to begin.

What a terrible Day?

What really makes our days bad, hard, and difficult to swallow?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us that many of our most difficult days come from our negative and judgmental assumptions about why things happen.

Don't Rush God

Can we really become all God has made us to be if we rush ourselves to God's goal?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that rushing around to get where we think God wants us to be is seldom God's plan and seldom accomplishes what God wants to do in us.

Restored to Life: Our real Salvation

Saved every way a person can be saved

Phil Ware continues his series on Out of the Box and focusing on the big Four primal fears that Jesus helps us address and he reminds us that salvation involves a from, for, and to component and shouldn't be simply elevator theology.

No More Miss Nice Girl!

So what's so bad about being

Lisa Mikitarian talks about being younger, being enamored with a biker while in the military, and how being too nice plagued her until she learned the importance of kindness.

Check Your Assumptions

Why trust in a God we cannot see and seems to never do us any miracles?

Ron Rose deals with a person who has had very difficult times and feels that prayer is not acted upon by God even if he hears them and that miracles are for times gone by.

Falling at His Feet

What do all these events in Jesus' life have in common?

Phil Ware continues his series on Luke 8 and 9 and this week he focuses on what each of these events has in common -- in each one, someone falls at the feet of Jesus.

The Second Batch

When does most awful mess become the opportunity for grace to capture our heart and give us confidence for the future?

Lisa Mikitarian tells us a wonderful story about the Father's grace revealed in a young girl's fall with the cupcakes made to honor her beloved grandmother.

Don't Stop

Being the last to finish can still make you a winner

It's not enough to start the Christian race. We have to persevere to the finish line if we want to win the prize.

It is Well

When all seems lost what sustains you?

Phillip Morrison reminds us where the beautiful and moving song, "When Peace Like a River" came from -- the tragedy of Horatio Spafford and a shipwreck.

Taste of Grace, Glimpse of Glory

Where can you actually see and taste a little bit of heaven?

Phil Ware writes about a group of young men and young women interning in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and the cultural and racial melting pot that is the church.

Protective Covering?

What's clouding your vision?

Tom Norvell shares with us that fear keeps a protective covering over ourselves and keeps us from seeing and experiencing the beauty and wonder that God has for us in our world and in other people.

Love and Fear

Do we run toward God or run from him?

We don't have to live in fear of God, waiting for him to zap us when we make a mistake. Yes, our God is a just God who will punish sin. But for those of us who seek him, who enter into a relationship with him, he is merciful and good. His love frees us fr

Fast or Full?

The old saying is that life happens fast, but can we live like that and enjoy its fullness?

Tom Norvel reminds us that life happens quickly, fast, and if we are not careful, we can get so busy that we miss life in all its fullness, abundance, and joy.


What do you do when things fracture between you and someone important to you?

Phil Ware talks about what to do when relationships are shattered and how it feels easier to trade in those relationships for new ones, but asks if this is really smartest and if it honors Christ and our walk with God.

A Passion for Children

I've developed in my heart a strong passion for children, especially those children who live in poverty.

Paul Styrvoky details his experiences of sponsoring a child through Compassion International.

Stop by the Lobby and See My Underwear!

What a strange way to get folks to a display on Memorial Day!

Phillip Morrison remembers a dear friend and patriot and faithful disciple named Bette Johnson.


Bet you've faked a photo before

Photos often represent a "reality" that doesn't exist. They focus on the surface level. God looks beyond that, looking at the heart. How do we get our hearts right? God can fix them.

Finding Our Center when Our World Is Shaken

How do we understand the importance of worship in such a crazy world?

Rick Brown reminds us that in the middle of our chaotic world and the catastrophic things that have happened recently, worship still brings us into the presence of God and gives us a reason to go on!

Untold Stories: Onesiphorus — The Refreshing Gift of Friendship

What can I do that really matters to the Kingdom of God?

Phil Ware begins a short series on Untold Stories from the Bible and shares the story of Onesiphorus refreshing Paul while he was in prison.

Rules, Rules, Rules

Baseball is more than just a set of confusing rules. So is Christianity

Christianity is more than a set of rules no one can follow. It is about a relationship with Jesus.