Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 25)

Jesse's Visit with Jesus

What happens when Jesus comes to visit?

Phil Ware uses a story narrative to remind us what it means to live God's will and fulfill the 10 Commandments.

Faith and Traffic Lights

What does my faith have to do with how I drive?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that our character and our faith are reflected as much by how we drive as how we go to church.

Getting Clear about Holiness

It's a whole lot more than a list of don'ts!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that holiness is not just what we avoid, but what we do to bless and redeem.

The Aurora Murders

Shouldn't we look a little deeper than simply saying the same ol' things?

Rubel Shelly offers us some wise words in the face of the Aurora murders.


When does it cross the line?

Rubel Shelly reminds us about the problems of bullying and then the cycle we start when we bully the bully.

I AM: God's Handwritten Messages from Heaven - Bottom Line Faith

Some things you have to believe or you have nothing worth believing in!

Phil Ware continues his series on I AM, God's handwritten messages from heaven and focuses on the bottom line faith requirement -- Jesus is God come in human flesh.

First Called

Have you been called and did you answer?

Andrew becomes one of the four disciples most closely associated with Jesus, he was a speaker on the Day of Pentecost and then he traveled, mostly by foot. Eventually, to be tortured and crucified in the city of Patras on the Peloponnese peninsula of what

Kid Games and Jesus

What can watching kid games tell us about Jesus?

Some may think that the kid games Somon Says and Red Light, Green Light show how to live the Christian life. I think Follow the Leader is better.

I AM: God's Handwritten Message from Heaven - Bread

Just how hungry are you?

Phil Ware continues his series on the I AM statements in the Gospel of John focusing on Jesus being the bread of life.

I Wish I Didn't Have to Go to Work

Do you ever wonder why you have to go to work? Christians don't.

Christians have three clear reasons to get up and go to work. Provide for our families, show God's glory, and help others.

It Didn't Change Me!

Does pedigree or privilege change us?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that our pedigree and genealogy doesn't make us Christian, but our discipleship does.

Creating a Movement

How in the world did they do this?

Rick Brown talks about how we can accomplish the Great Commission in our world today, the same as they did it long ago.

Let There Be Light!

Do you choose darkness or light?

God wants to place his light inside of us. He wants to make us shine brighter than the sun.

Greater Things: Fellowship

Are we willing to make fellowship more than coffee and donuts?

Phil Ware continues to talk about the greater things the early church experienced in the opening days of the believers following Jesus and in this case, genuine fellowship, sharing and having life in common, is key.

Let's Talk about Ducks!

Have you said your duck prayer lately?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to live life expecting it to be an adventure with Jesus in which we are surprised and learn new things again and again.

Everything in Its Time and Place

Every get out of balance?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is a time for everything as long as it is kept in its place and we remain balanced in our lives with the correct priorities.

It Is as Easy as One, Two, Three

We found out that something free does not mean it is easy.

The gift of Jesus is free to us. That does not mean it is easy.

Be a Neighbor this Week!

Who will you show God's love today?

Rick Brown writes of Johnny Brown in Bermuda who greets and welcomes and shares greetings with people six hours each day.

After Easter

When Easter is over, it's time to go fishing

Special religious days can be nice for recharging our batteries, but the Christian life is lived out 24/7, both in holy places and on dirty streets. God comes to meet us anywhere and everywhere. He doesn't just wait for us inside a church building on East

The Ember

Will you let the fire go out?

Russ Lawson shares with us having to miss church because of weather and how much we need each other to keep the fire alive!


All hotel rooms look alike

We were made to be in relationship with one another. We were made to be in relationship with God. In fact, God's plan is that we be adopted into His family.

Everything on the Line

What would you do in your last moments with those you love?

Phil Ware continues his series on the unpredictable Savior and reminds us of the upper room discourses where Jesus demonstrates and teaches what is most important to him to those who are most important to him, his disciples, his friends, those he loves.

Eyes Opened!

Will we choose to see people as Jesus does?

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus called UNPREDICTABLE and focuses on seeing people as Jesus sees them.

Father, Your Servant Is Listening

How will I get everything done on my to do list?

Tom Norvell reminds us to listen to God's voice for time alone with him to be renewed, rekindled, and directed to what matters most in our lives and on our to do lists.

Master the Art of Welcoming

How open are our arms?

Rick Brown challenges us to be welcoming to those who are outsiders and those we do not know.