Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 32)

Can't Keep Your Mouth Shut?

It's really hard to do, isn't it!

Alan Smith talks about how hard it is to keep our mouth shut using a humorous story about a police trooper and an English professor.

Air Traffic Controller

How will we make it through?

Tom Norvell talks about an air traffic controller landing a plane and how his dad was a blessing.

Preparing for Heroism

Have you seen a hero lately?

Rubel Shelly reminds us the nature of heroism is about being diligent and faithful to our everyday tasks like Sully.

Welcome One Another

How could I feel at home so far away from home?

Phil Ware looks at Romans 15:7 and shares an experience from Thailand about feeling accepted and connected to people very different from himself.

Don't Let the Grass Grow Here!

Where does your private path lead?

Danny Sims talks about having a well worn path to the place of prayer because we are so close to God!

Community and Homebound

How can I share in community when I am limited in how I can get out with other people?

Phil Ware talks about how we can help provide and be community to those who cannot get away from home or care facilities and he asks for our input on how we can help them do this.

Made 2BN Community

Where do you best connect with God?

Phil Ware continues his series on experiencing God and focuses on experiencing God through Jesus in community with all of its challenges and opportunities.


What interest does God expect from all that He has invested in us?

Warren Baldwin reminds us of what God has entrusted us with to invest in our lives in ministry and receive interest on his investment.

Drawing Nearer

Can we really know God?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on knowing God and being drawn into a relationship with Him.

Beyond the Call of Duty

Are you above the law?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of another way to be like Jesus and be above the law in a good way.

Is It Really Over?

So what do you do now that it has come to an end?

Tom Norvell looks at how the disciples must have felt right after Jesus' death and then talks about a year ending and the New Year beginning.

Star Bright

What difference does one twinkling star really make?

Phil Ware reflects upon the star the Magi saw and puts it in its context of astrologers from Iran who recognized Jesus as King of the Jews and the religious leaders among the Jews who tried to kill him.

I Want Christmas Year Round

Christmas is a reflection of my life as a Christian.

The things that make Christmas so special are available to the Christian all year long.

Lord and Christ

Jesus must be more than just a Savior!

Mike Barres rejoices in the birth of Jesus as our Savior, but also reminds us that He must also be our Lord!

How Do We Measure Success?

What is your unit of measurement?

Bill Sherrill challenges us to judge our success based on our hearts and our service.

How Less Becomes More

How in the world does having less mean having more?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even in a season when folks have less than they are used to having, if they look they will actually find that they have more.

Putting Up Christmas Lights

Have you got your strings of light hung yet?

Rob Frazier writes about why he puts up Christmas lights and how each of us has some light to share with others.

Emotional Residue

How can we live above it?

Mike Barres reminds us that discouragements can leave an emotional residue and keep us from living as we should, but we can do some things to live as God would have us live!

Christ in the House

Where have you declared King's X with Jesus?

Phil Ware takes us back to Colossians 3 and challenges us to take a close look at the places where we do not allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives.

The Lord Is Gracious

How loving and rich and gracious is our God?

Tom Norvell uses Psalm 145 to remind us how loving, compassionate, and gracious the LORD is to us, rich toward us in compassion, love, and grace in every day of life.

Which Side?

Are we asking the wrong question?

Lee Wilson challenges us to determine what God wants and be on His side.

Family Connection

So what did all those men do?

Lisa Mikitarian shares an unusual set of Thanksgiving events that took her far from home where she found family in an unlikely place.

There's Always Almost Meatloaf

What's your almost food?

Russ Lawson shares about a hard time when all they had was some oatmeal and hamburger and ketchup.

People Like Me!

When's the last time you celebrated someone different from you?

Patrick Odum describes a city wide gathering of people who are different in many ways but find their unity in one thing -- Jesus!

Showing God's Love

What can you do to show it?

Alan Smith shares a story about Doug Nichols in India while he was in a sanatarium and how his service opened the door to his evangelism.