Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 33)

Move On!

What time is in it in your life?

Sarah Stirman reflects on relationships, Thanksgiving and the book of Exodus and our need to move on.

A Matter of Perspective

What is your point of view?

Bill Sherrill reflects on family reunions, perspective, being together, and church.

Penchant for Perfection

Maturity means admitting we haven't arrived!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we are not perfect yet, and admitting our failures and imperfections is not an excuse, but an opportunity to meet God and have his grace help us grow.

No Pain, No Gain

If it was easy to follow Jesus, everyone would do it.

Following Jesus is difficult ... but worth it. Sacrifice leads to joy, peace, hope, and purpose.

The Value Is the Owner

What value do you place in yourself?

Alan Smith tells a story about an amber Napoleon Bonaparte gift to his wife and how it became a priceless piece of jewelry because he owned it.

The Least I Can Do?

How do we move beyond election partisanship to moral change?

Rob Woodfin challenges us to do more than vote and then wash our hands of the matters that afflict our time and culture.

Untangling Family Knots

Can it really get better if we get closer?

Ann Voskamp uses a boy's three-legged race to be the reminder that in a family, and in life, the closer we get the better we are.

Steering through the Storms

How are you going to find your way through the mess?

Rubel Shelly talks about how we can navigate through the economic and political storms and also reminds us that adversity is the opportunity for new beginnings.

Things Jesus Might Say!

When the Dow swings nearly 1,000 points in a day, what would Jesus say?

Danny Sims shares some insight for us on our two week wild run on Wall Street and the up and downs of the market.

Friendship and the Abundant Life

Where can I find something more than more demands and more stuff?

Ron Rose shares some beautiful insights on friendship and the importance of a friend to living the abundant life.

No Hidden Mystery

Why do we hide the simple message of Jesus behind all our complex rules?

Phil Ware shares a principle from Colossians and asks us to think about how Jesus would respond to this desperate housewife.

Don't Lose Focus

What distracts you most easily?

Mike Barres reminds us to not be distracted with the things going on around us but fix our eyes on Jesus.

Why Do I Go to Church?

Is it about going to worship?

Sarah Stirman says she doesn't go to church to worship God, so what does she go for?

Dwell on These Things

So what occupies your thoughts and memories?

Russ Lawson had his share of tough things and hard roads growing up, but he chooses NOT to dwell on those things, but the positive ones.

Stressed Out

So how are you going to avoid it happening to you?

Patrick Odum learns that Chicago is the most stressful city in America and shares some insight on stress.

Ten Commandments of Human Relations

How are you doing living up to these commandments?

Rubel Shelly shares some insight on the golden rule applied to office relationships.

We Are His People!

Do we act like it?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we need to live like the Lord is our God!

But Can She Sing?

What's more important, style or substance?

Rubel Shelly talks about the shallowness of the Chinese to place appearance above all things and then pass it off as something else.

The Final Chapter

What will you write?

Tom Norvell reflects on Paul writing the final chapter of his life and finishing his race.

It Is Finished

Will you ever get it all done?

Phil Ware reflects on Jesus' statement, "It is finished" and how he can ever be finished in his life.

The Church of Me

WHo are we really worshiping?

Patrick Odum talks about the church of me, the selfish style we have in our modern church world.

Bent Out of Shape

How bent are you?

Patrick Odum reminds us that there are all sorts of ways to be bent and only Jesus can unshackle us from our position.

Handicapped and His Glory

How can a crippling situation or handicap actually be an open door for the Savior?

Sarah Stirman has reason to reflect on being crippled or handicapped and being useful to God.

Cleaning Up Our Act

Are we using cleaning agents that are toxic to others and their faith?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need to allow new Christians and inquirers to have time to grow and mature and not subject them to over scrutiny to the point of killing them with caustic cleanliness.


How can so much be caught up in one word?

Phil Ware continues his seven sayings of Jesus on the Cross and talks about how the words "I thirst" make Jesus' incarnation real.