We can cry out to God and know he hears us and that our children and our grandchildren's futures are in his hands.
09/21/2006 by Tom Norvell
A hard difficult trip and a close connection after a flight delay turns out to be a good chance for Joey Cope to learn a lesson about God's power to use us as we are.
09/19/2006 by Joey Cope
Jesus finished his work, accomplished his mission, completed his task, passed his test, and when his life was over he was victorious.
09/18/2006 by Phil Ware
A return of money from a thief reminds us that we must seek to right the wrongs we've committed.
09/16/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
The plane crash in Lexington, Kentucky brought out all sorts of emotions in the hearts of people and reminds us how death touches us all and our need for the promises of Jesus.
09/13/2006 by Teresa Bell Kindred
When a proposal goes bad because of a plane crash, does the groom still get his request answered?
09/09/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
Mike learns to not put off prayer, but when someone has a need, he says, "Let's pray right now!"
09/02/2006 by Mike Barres
The beauty of things visible on earth or in us is a great reminder of God's greatness and love for us.
08/28/2006 by Phil Ware
Hospitality is the Christian virtue of entertaining strangers, outsiders, and guests and recognizing in them angels or even the presence of God in the Trinity.
08/27/2006 by Scott Owings
So often we don't let God have control of our lives and we want to be the driver to our own loss.
08/26/2006 by Russ Lawson
A trip to the beach and other vacation sites helps lead Patrick Odum to ask what he is not recognizing in his daily life where God's fingerprints and footprints can be found.
08/24/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
Can a Christian father learn a lot about faith from his rappin' son and the rap he wrote to be sung at church?
08/19/2006 by Bill Denton
Life comes in many packages, but something way beyond new is fresh, like a loaf of bread.
08/07/2006 by Phil Ware
Friends can help friends if they love them and minister to them.
08/04/2006 by Paul Faulkner
We all need more friends, but the way to have them is to invest the time and offer others our friendship
08/01/2006 by Rubel Shelly
With so many lonely people out there, how are we going to be like Jesus and God and minister to their loneliness and isolation?
07/31/2006 by Phil Ware
Road trash and tire debris challenges Phil to remember exactly who it was that Jesus reached and ask why we don't reach them today?
07/24/2006 by Phil Ware
The world is changing and we lose control, but the real issue isn't controlling as it is yielding to the one in control.
07/19/2006 by Donna Ware
The newness wears off and we get bored and we lose interest and we give up.
07/16/2006 by Tom Norvell
World Cup was such a big deal that even the monks in Thailand changed their priorities, but we must work to keep God number one in our hearts at all times.
07/12/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
We all need friends, but in America, people have fewer and few friends, but the best way to have friends is to be a friend.
07/11/2006 by Rubel Shelly
What we decide, especially about Jesus, is crucial and we don't need to be making snap or rash judgments.
06/25/2006 by Tom Norvell
Honesty is more than just relating facts, it's telling the whole truth.
06/24/2006 by Steve Higginbotham
Our Christianity has to accompany us everywhere, even traffic, or it doesn't go with us anywhere.
06/20/2006 by Rubel Shelly
The world is looking for Christians who are really willng to be obedient, real, authentic, and genuine in their walk with the Lord and do what he says.
06/12/2006 by Phil Ware