Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 43)

Signs of a Dying Church?

How is your congregation doing?

So often good churches slip into bad habits and then begin to die: do you know the signs of a dying church?

The Uncle of Yes!

Are you a yes person or a no person?

Grace means we have a lifestyle of yes, not a lifestyle of no.

Her Favorite Flower

We must learn to be much more selfless and much less self-serving in our marriage relationships.

Needed Notes of Grace

Have you heard this heavenly song lately?

Heaven's grace can be heard in the tune that is sung by God's people in worship, fellowship, and sacrifice.

At the End of the Day

How have you been playing lately?

Relationships and learning to play is the essence of becoming "children" in God's Kingdom!

Seeing the Face of Jesus

Have you seen the Lord lately?

When Christians gather together for worship and fellowship, it is a holy moment.

Retire or Re-fire?

What are you going to do in your retirement?

Christians should never retire spiritually, but instead re-fire!

You Be Jesus!

Who do you need to be like Jesus?

It's so hard to be Christ-like; we want everyone else to do it.

Every Leader Needs an Abishai

Whose got your back?

Every great leader needs someone who has his back, who will stand by him and defend him.

The Day the Tree Went Crashing

When's the last time you held a neighbor's hand?

One of the kindness things we can do is simply hold a friends hand and listen to his or her pain and problems.

Sweet Gracious Relief!

When is the last time someone brought you refreshment?

A kind friend can bring refreshment to the parched soul of another friend.

"Live and Learn"

How did you get so smart?

Faith is about experience learning, not just sitting in a pew and having church book learning.

The Freedom of Fellowship

How important is fellowship to you?

Fellowship is so crucial and even more so in places that are hostile to faith: we must take advantage of our freedom to have fellowship.


What's in style in your neck of the woods?

Have we lost our focus by getting so upset over so many things that don't really matter?

If Only I Could Be Spiritual

Are you are spiritual person?

Spirituality is about who you are on a daily basis.

Fathers Know a Secret

What do dads know that no one else seems to appreciate?

Dads know the secret: they have incredible influence over their kids.

How Faith Can Begin with Fear

You mean God would get me into that kind of mess?

God can get us in some tough scrapes because he wants to develop faith and comfort in us.

In the Presence

What do you go to church to do?

We need to remember that when we assemble, God joins us and it is a holy moment.

Doing Things Religiously

How are you doing on your spiritual exercises?

Worship is more than what happens every seventh day, it is all of our lives.

Taking Flight

Are our

A group of baby birds in a flower basket nest remind us of the key three things for all of us as week to take flight for God!

Is It Your Time?

How will you know it is your time?

Jesus doesn't expect us to do what we can't know to do, but he does expect us to do what we know to do.

The Fire

What needs to burn down in your world?

A fire burned down a church building but rebuilt a church.

Workplace Faith

Where did Jesus find his followers?

Our Christian life is lived out in our workplace much more than in our church attendance!

Finding the Presence of Christ

Where will we find Jesus in the middle of our messes?

We will find the presence of Jesus in our lives when we are willing to be his presence in the lives of others.

Secular or Sacred?

Is work secular or sacred space?

Every space is holy when a Christian inhabits it.