Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 44)

The Rub of New Shoes

How long will you wear yours?

A new pair of shoes helps Mike figure out why we need some traditions.

What Do You Want Them to Be?

When all is said and done, what will you be?

When we grow up, we want to be like Jesus!

Waiting in Line

How long would you wait?

While we end up having to wait for many things in our lives, this one thing that is worthy waiting for!

Together and Everything in Common

One thing church must supply!

Church must be more than a gathering of strangers, there must be genuine and real community and fellowship.

Afraid to Speak Up?

What would keep you from putting in a good word for Jesus?

We must always be willing to speak up for Jesus!

God in a Box

Where do you worship?

Worhip is more than what happens on Sunday in our holy box.


What gives us hope in the middle of crisis?

A funeral helps a couple of ministers understand more clearly the grace of God and the power of the human spirit.

A Story of Friendship

What would you do to help a friend?

The best friends bring their friends to Jesus to be blessed and helped.

What if Jesus Is My Master?

Why is it hard to let Jesus have control of our lives?

I wonder what would happen if we truly let Jesus have control of our lives.

Bargains and Hot House Christians

What are you expecting to get for your Christian commitment?

Are we only interested in bargain basement Christianity, or are we willing to pay the price to be productive.

Country Chicken

A Texas city slicker?

A trip to the cattle and the country rattles this city slicker loose from her busy ways enough to help her appreciate God in wonder.

The Forgiveness Ad

What does it take for God to his message to you?

God has paid a huge price to get our attention about his love and forgiveness for us: the cost of Jesus' blood.

If You Stay Close to Me, You Won't Get Wet

Will you share the umbrella?

Taking a dog out for a walk proves to be a convicting moment about our stupidity in not staying close to God.

Do You Get the Point?

How much to help those who need someone in their lives?

The real point of life is being willing to be a friend those who need relationships.

Just a Small Sliver of Light

Where did that laser beam come from, anyway?

In a world of darkness, an intensely focused life is going to emit a lot of light in our dark world.

Creating a Vision for Your Congregation

Is there anything your leadership can do to help cast a vision to your church?

Where can you find tools and resources for setting a vision for your congregation?

The New Year and The Blood of The Lamb

Can we learn to center on what is most important?

At the start of a New Year, let's make a commitment to remember the meaning of the Lord's Supper and Jesus' sacrifice.

Our Motivation

Old farmer wisdom strikes again?

While heaven and hell, punishment and reward, may be motivation for our behavior, eventually God wants us to be motivated by love.

Living with the Gift

What difference does this gift make in your life?

God's gift of grace in Jesus' Christ carries with it the responsibility to live changed lives.

My Christmas Present

What can we learn from a bad Christmas shopping experience?

Sometimes we get the service we suggest by the way we present ourselves to others.

It Only Comes with Rain

Some things we just can't do!

Only God can bring new life with refreshment through his holy spirit.

Relationship Gardening

How does your garden grow?

Like a fine garden, a marriage relationship takes cultivation and care

Ten Steps to Help You with the Blues

Blues got you down?

We all get a little blue or depressed; here are 10 suggestions to help us.

Return to Your First Love

Was it more exciting when you first began?

While time and daily life may wear away the newness of a marriage or our first love to Jesus, we can and must recapture it.

Not Prepared for These Storms!

What are you going to hang onto during these storms?

If Jesus isn't made the center of our marriages and families, our failure is assured.