Articles Tagged 'Sh' (Page 45)

Oh You Light of Mine!

What can of light do you owe the world?

We all need to be a little more ready and intentional about letting our light shine before others, but we also know and willingly bear the consequences.

Have It His Way!

What difference can the squawking voice really make in a day?

Some people are just God's special blessings for us along the way.

Who Are We Letting Behind the Wheel?

Who is driving your agenda?

A 12-year-old behind the wheels helps wake us all up to who is behind the wheel.

Missing the Target

How bad have you messed up?

Sometimes we sin -- we miss the mark -- and we need grace to forigive and restore us and to purify us.

Older than Dirt!

How old are you?

Aren't we glad Jesus has always been around even though we may be as old as dirt!

Fast Food or Truly Full

Are you really full with all that you have been eating?

Have you found real nourishment? Not unless you know Jesus.

Please Don't Ignore Me!

Do you ever feel overlooked?

Please don't ignore others or ignore God because we all know how it hurts to be ignored.

When Love Takes You In

When's the last time you welcomed someone in?

We have been brought into the circle of God's grace and we must graciously bring others in as well.

Found Things

What have you found lately?

Finding things no one else sees is great, but being found by God is better.

Rain of Grace

Have you had a little shower in your life lately?

Sometimes an unexpected rain, a gift of grace, is just what is most needed to keep on keeping on.

There are Trees and There are Trees

What's the difference between loquats and apricots?

Different kinds of trees fulfill different needs, just like we need different kinds of friends.

In Jesus' Shoes

Have you ever walked in his sandals?

Jesus wants us to share his compassion with others.

New Windows

What would you see if you had new windows in your church?

We must view the world outside our churches in new ways, especially through the eyes of compassion like Jesus did.

Stirring Up Emotions

Can there be more than recipes in those cookbooks?

Our offers of love and friendship enrich us and bless others.

Loving God

Can you truly say

God longs for us to love him and how could we not love, both in our church worship (singing, praying, reading Scripture) and in our life of worship (obedience).

In Search of a Happy Heart

Why do we take ourselves so seriously?

We take ourselves way too seriously and end up adding unnecessary stress to our lives.

Sailors and Maps

Do we really know where we're headed?

There is a huge difference between rules and relationships!

Dubious Distinction

What do you want to be know for doing in your life?

People are forming their ideas each day by what we do leaving our legacy.

Faithful Friends?

Can I find a friend that is truly faithful?

Friends are fickle and Jesus' friends were truly fickle and faithfless, but Jesus is a faithful friend.

Valuable Possessions

How many do you have?

We have been blessed with so many wonderful things by God.

It Isn't Over

When does this season end?

Some things come and go, but this one thing is always in season and this season never ends.

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

So who are you showing out for?

Trying to impress others nearly always means we embarrass ourselves.

The Contented Fisherman

So what's your reward?

This fisherman has learned the real meaning of the word contentment.

The President Visits Daytona

What spiritual lessons can be learned from the President and NASCAR?

The President can only come for a drop in visit at NASCAR, but Jesus comes to stay in our daily lives.

We Need More Sams!

What can we learn from a chubby little Hobbit?

The world needs more people like Sam, who are willing to be loyal, faithful, plodders and endure to the end.