Even though it can be very difficult, we must learn to control our tongue or it will cost us.
02/06/2004 by Alan Smith
When people get together to help a friend find a lost hearing aid by searching and praying, is it a miracle if they find it?
02/03/2004 by Kelly Breece
We need to realize that sin and bad habits are the leash holding us back from being all God wants us to be.
01/21/2004 by Russ Lawson
God wants us to get out of our ruts and find the new things and new people he has set in our paths.
01/19/2004 by Phil Ware
Jesus words make us clean, squeaky clean just like our hair is when it is clean.
01/16/2004 by Elizabeth Price
Christians should be recognizable because their behavior and conduct match that of Jesus.
01/15/2004 by Larry Zinck
We show our fellowship and friendship through those for whom we extend table fellowship and meals.
01/14/2004 by Randy Becton
All of life is our worship, our love for God expressed heart, soul, mind, and strength.
01/12/2004 by Phil Ware
With the dying embers of a fire, we are reminded of two life choices: letting our passions, hopes, and dreams slip away or having them burst into flame and reigniting us for the New Year.
12/29/2003 by Phil Ware
Let's find a fresh joy in going back to Bethlehem for the birth of our Lord!
12/25/2003 by Melva Cooper
We have let the world take Jesus out of Christmas and just make it a secular holiday; let's remember to make sure any holiday we celebrate is to the Lord and put Jesus back into our Christmas celebrations.
12/21/2003 by Rubel Shelly
We can make the holidays a lot more cheery and bright if we will simply take a little time to plan and prepare for the holiday season.
12/16/2003 by Ryan Rush
Jesus is a friend for all seasons, but so many of our friends are only fair weather friends.
12/07/2003 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Our citizenship is in heaven, so let's live like heaven is our home!
12/03/2003 by Patrick D. Odum
We are God's children; let's not let anything steal away our identity!
12/01/2003 by Phil Ware
Nothing blesses us than to see those we love being generous with others -- that's true thanksgiving!
11/28/2003 by Melva Cooper
Often the delays in our plans are really God being gracious and giving us what we need and not what we want or plan.
11/24/2003 by Phil Ware
There are all sorts defitions of friendship, but the bottom line is whether are not we are willing to let Jesus be our friend?
11/20/2003 by Russ Lawson
So many things we have are temporary, but the ones that are most important are the ones that help us hang on to the eternal.
11/19/2003 by Kelly Breece
So often leaders do not do their most important work, living out God's purpose for them, because they are so busy handling problems and crises.
11/17/2003 by Phil Ware
Everything that isn't from God will fade, perish, die, and pass away.
11/15/2003 by Alan Smith
Some folks are just needing someone to believe in them and take a shot at helping them make it; are we willing?
11/13/2003 by Rubel Shelly
We can't share our faith because we've lost the commitment to memorize and know God's Word.
11/05/2003 by Dave Cook
How do we cluster activities to allow us to focus our energies on doing God's will for our lives rather than spending all of our time in routine, daily, maintenance activities?
11/03/2003 by Phil Ware
Sometimes we need a little admonition to calm our souls, even if it is self-administered.
10/11/2003 by Alan Smith