Melissa Troyer shares the worship in stooping to clean up the messes that are part of a mom's everyday experience with little children she is trying to mold into followers of Jesus.
11/02/2021 by Melissa Troyer
James Nored in video, and Phil Ware using the Scriptures, remind us of the beauty and the cost to God of saving us and forgiving us, and giving us a new life.
03/16/2021 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us of John Mark's failure when he deserted the mission field and the mission team and describes how God used this mess and the grace, mercy, and love of godly men to bring great good out of potential disaster.
07/31/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware tells us a simple story of a mother's love to remind how our Father sees us as his treasure.
10/03/2017 by Phil Ware
Max Lucado reminds us that we can ask God to both examine us and cleanse us; such is the grace of grace!
08/21/2016 by Max Lucado
Phil Ware uses a traffic incident and a crazy, cursing woman to help him make a point about blaming others rather than owning our sin and asking forgiveness for it through confession.
08/04/2014 by Phil Ware
Old clothes are comfortable and you get so used to them you do not realize how good new clothes are. Life is like that too.
02/19/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware finishes the year 2012 with two powerful posts or articles about Jesus' birth and the people gathered around him, and emphasizes that God's greatest beginnings are found in hard endings.
12/23/2012 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares a message centered on John 2 and Jesus' miracle of turning the water to wine at Cana in Galilee because of Mary's concern and intervention.
02/12/2012 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell reminds us that Jesus had the power to get even but did not retaliate in word or deed when he was reviled, mocked, belittled, mocked, and ridiculed.
09/12/2011 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly reminds us that feeling guilty isn't necessarily bad, but shame can be destructive and lead to denial or living a self-fulfilling prophecy about our badness.
05/04/2010 by Rubel Shelly
Warren Baldwin shares insights into Psalm 103 and the grace of God that delivers us from sin and guilt and shame.
03/22/2008 by Warren Baldwin
We must always be willing to speak up for Jesus!
04/08/2005 by Alan Smith