Articles Tagged 'She' (Page 3)

how to learn the language of happiness

Arguing kids and the morning's first sunlight lead to thanksgiving?

Ann Voskamp takes a morning breakfast, washing, dishes, arguing boys, and books in multiple languages and turns it into a time of joy, happiness, and eucharisteo.

Those First 5 Years

Let's be sure and not let those crucial years slip by us!

Terese Bell Kindred reminds mothers and grandmothers of the importance of a child's and grandchild's first five years of life and the urgency of making a God impression on them while we can.

And God Saw that It Was Good

Perspective gained from a view of earth from space.

Phillip Morrison writes about the Apollo 8 moon orbit and the famous earthrise photo taken by the astronauts orbiting the moon in what otherwise would have been a disastrous year for America.

Building a Culture of Honor: Accountability

Holding each other and ourselves accountable for our growth toward Jesus it often the forget piece in building a culture of honor.

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor with a focus on accountability -- both holding others accountable and holding ourselves accountable for our growth in the Lord.

The Light of Grace

A simple reminder of grace from one in a difficult place.

Phil Ware shares the sweet prayer request from one of the translators in a predominantly Muslim nation wracked with violence and bloodshed: "Please pray for the terrorists that they know Jesus Christ like Saul who became Paul :)"

What a terrible Day?

What really makes our days bad, hard, and difficult to swallow?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us that many of our most difficult days come from our negative and judgmental assumptions about why things happen.

Check Your Assumptions

Why trust in a God we cannot see and seems to never do us any miracles?

Ron Rose deals with a person who has had very difficult times and feels that prayer is not acted upon by God even if he hears them and that miracles are for times gone by.

Thank You, Jesus!

What else can you say, but thank you?

Phil Ware shares a collection of Scriptures that talk about the significance of Jesus' birth.

Beginnings in Endings: Mary Did You Know?

Mary's simple life was about to come to a dramatic end!

Phil Ware finishes the year 2012 with two powerful posts or articles about Jesus' birth and the people gathered around him, and emphasizes that God's greatest beginnings are found in hard endings.

Pope Benedict 'Debunks' Christmas?

What's going on here with our traditions?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what is most important and truthful and what is legend about the Christmas story.

I AM: God's Handwritten Messages from Heaven - Bottom Line Faith

Some things you have to believe or you have nothing worth believing in!

Phil Ware continues his series on I AM, God's handwritten messages from heaven and focuses on the bottom line faith requirement -- Jesus is God come in human flesh.

Eyes Opened!

Will we choose to see people as Jesus does?

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus called UNPREDICTABLE and focuses on seeing people as Jesus sees them.

More than Words

God spoke His greatest message with just one Word!

Phil Ware talks about why he and about 100 others go to Peru each year when it costs so much.

Better Broken: The Plan

What was God's plan to help Jesus' broken and flawed followers accomplish his mission?

Phil Ware continues his series called Better Broken that focuses on how God used flawed, broken people to change the world by sharing the message of Jesus and this involved Purpose: to be witnesses, Plan: to release God's power through prayer; People: the

Not Quite as We Have Told It

It's not the road you think, but it's the destination you seek!

Phil Ware goes over a number of inaccuracies that have crept in to our telling of the story of Jesus at Christmas, but reminds us that the main thing is that Jesus came for everyone and the more we know the story, the more we know it is true.

Why Shepherds?

Of all the people to announce the coming of heaven's glory, why did God choose this bunch?

Phil Ware looks at the birth of Jesus and asks the very simple question: why did God reveal the birth of his Son to shepherds first?

Each Has a Name

Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it!

Phil Ware talks about our broken world, spring, the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, and the Lord's prayer.

A Walk with Our Shepherd

What does it really mean for us?

This is a simple meditation on the meaning of the Shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23.

Christmas Tranquility?

The scene looks calm and bright, but what if my life doesn't?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas is about God getting involved in our messy world with us.

Face of God?

How do we recognize God when He shows up in our world?

Phil Ware takes an incident of love and laughter with his foster grandson and learns a powerful insight into God, who chose to let us see his face and hear his voice in Jesus.

The Curse of Life without Pain

Wouldn't life be better without it?

Rubel Shelly talks about pain and how life would be diminished without it.

SpiritFire - How Do I Think of the Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Phil Ware continues his SpiritFire series focusing on God getting personal with us in the Holy Spirit and addresses the question of whether the Holy Spirit is a he, she, or it.

Rejections and Reactions

How can we fail forward?

Rubel Shelly talks about how badly rejection hurts and our temptation to react in negative ways, but also uses Warren Buffett as an example of someone who failed forward.

Traveling Mercies: Broken Dreams?

Are those old broken dreams really gone?

Phil Ware continues a series of messages called Traveling Mercies focusing on Moses and his journey from broken dreams to having those dreams realized in his life.

The Greatest Glory

Where does a leader find true and lasting glory?

Phil Ware continues his series of messages on true shepherds in the church and focuses on the subject of a leader's glory -- seeing his or her passion formed in others they have trained.