Articles Tagged 'Sing' (Page 8)

It IS More Blessed!

Have you really experienced the joy of this truth?

Phil Ware describes an experience one of the middle school teachers at his church had while listening to a student talk about receiving presents from a cool church.

Always with Thanksgiving

Even the hogs do better than we do?

Phil Ware reminds us that prayer should always include Thanksgiving no matter our circumstance, something he learned from his dad and from hogs!

Free to Serve

If I am free, why would I want to be a servant?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that because of Jesus, even difficult tasks are a blessing to do.

Give Your Kids a Sporting Chance

What's the most important thing for you as a coach of your kids?

Hal Runkel shares some great insights on how to develop good sportsmanship skills in our kids.

The Color of Grace

Which color would you be?

Alan Smith tries to remind us that our goodness comes from Jesus and not from ourselves.

Missing It

How badly have you missed it or messed it up?

Tom Norvell reminds us to praise God for what he has done in our lives, not explain it away.

What's Really Important

How do you know the difference?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that most folks miss the point of life entirely because they don't know what is really important.

The Staying Power of Our Words

Why do some of these things stick in our heads for so long?

Katha Winther reminds us of the weird and yet powerful staying power of many of our words and reminds us to use them to be a blessing to others.

The Jewel

What's the most precious thing you've seen?

Muriel Larson reminds of the great blessing we have from Romans 8:28

Upside Down is Right Side Up

Jesus really could stire things up, couldn't he?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that Jesus turned things upside down adn stirred things up to bring God's blessings to others.

Waiting Can Be a Blessing!

How hard is it really to wait for this?

Tom Norvell describes the blessings promised to those who wait on the Lord from Isaiah.

A Selfish Christian?

Isn't this an oxymoron?

Mike Barres reminds us that God wants to bless us and he also wants to conform us to Jesus: so let's not use our Christianity for selfish motives.

Just Keep Singing

What do you do when you can't think of anything else to do to hang on?

Phil Ware talks about the death of a friend who died with friends singing praises to God and how we can sing our way through anything.

Bless Your Heart!

Whose heart are you blessing these days?

Jane Vincenzi shares some insight in the old southern phrase bless your heart and realizes that it is really what our Christian life is all about.

Last Will and Testament

What did you get in the will?

Alan Smith tells the story of a wild will and how Jesus' last will and testament is far different and far better!


Can your GPS get you out of life's real pickles?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares an experience she had with her GPS and then compares it to God's Plan of Salvation which is in the Bible, the only Voice we should trust.

Same and Different

How are we all the same and yet all different?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we are all unique and different and yet we must all take responsibility for our actions.

Jockeying To Be Shocking

Aren't we way past too far?

Shock jocks have tried to out do each other in shocking, crude, and obscene remarks on radio, TV, and interviews and they have crossed the line and we are the only ones who can do something about it.

Avoiding the Drift

Are you drifting off the mark?

As human beings, we can so easily get off track and drift off course and miss our target because we get distracted.

The Fullest Possible Way

Where do these ups and downs come from, anyway?

Life is a combination of ups and downs and all arounds but Jesus is in the middle trying to bring us full life all the time!

Being Rich

How much do you really need?

What we have is not what determines how rich we are and our job is just a means to an end, not the real goal or end.

Sometimes I Just Like to Listen Now

Do you ever take time to listen and not sing?

Phil likes to sing, but sometimes he just needs to listen and be blessed and pumped up.

That's Not the Way that Momma Did It

Why not listen to the old story and look for something fresh and new?

Sometimes we trust too much in what we've learned in the past and things we have learned from our parents rather than seeking the truth ourselves and then living it.

Appreciating God's Blessings

How can an undeserved inheritance make us sad?

A humorous story about undeserved inheritance reminds us of how easy it is to forget to thank God for all that he has done for us.

How's Your 'Ratitude'?

Can you give thanks?

Cary reminds singles that they can give thanks in almost any situation.