Articles Tagged 'Sing' (Page 9)


So what's the point of it anyway?

Should we give up when things look hopeless? Of course not, because the point may not be in winning in the eyes of others, but having God accomplish in us what he wants.

A Story About A Giant

Are you a giant or a burden?

We stand on the shoulders of giants and have the blessinmgs we have because of their sacrifices.

I Need You Every Hour

Are you this desperate for God?

The words of an old song remind us of our deep need for God and longing for him.

Vulnerably Successful

Why is it so hard to let folks minister to us?

So often, ministers and pastors won't let others minister to them, but we need to minister and be ministered to, we need to bless and be vulnerable so we can be blessed.

Whatever the Need

Are you ready to trust Jesus with your need?

God longs to help supply us with our need, just as he did with the apostles trying to feed the 5000.

Be Like the Dumpster

Why would you ever want to be like a dumpster?

A dumpster with the word grace written on it reminds Tammy Marcelain of the great work that God can do in our lives to bring hope and joy and meaning when we receive His grace.

Rap or Not ... It's for the Lord

Can anything good come from rap music?

Can a Christian father learn a lot about faith from his rappin' son and the rap he wrote to be sung at church?

The Days They Pass So Quickly Now

How fast is your life?

Change, and the days pass quickly and we grow old and time flies by, so we better use them to our advantage and God's glory.


How long will your stay be?

A joke about HMO's leads to some interesting oberservations about heaven and the fact that everyting on earth is temporary.


Are you lucky or just blessed?

We don't like being passive, so we have a hard time recognizing that we have what we have because we are blessed.

Respecting Mom

Have you given her the respect and appreciation she deserves?

Moms are crucial to the outcome of nations because of the way they rear their child.

Mother's Love

Do you really understand how important a mother's love truly is?

A mother's love and touch are crucial to babies in those earliest days of life.

Right Here, Right Now!

What are you waiting for?

So often we have the grandiose promises we've made, when in reality we won't do the small stuff!

The Definition of a Real Leader

What makes someone a true leader?

True leadership is found in following Jesus' example as a servant, not in winning at any cost!


Will we open up and really trust him to change our story into a grace story?

All around us are people who are grace stories -- people who have opened up to God and received his grace and had their hard lives changed for the better.

Getting the Music Back

So how much are you singing?

A visit to the Phantom of the Opera on a cold night opens back wide the door of singing in a family's home.

Reflecting on the Years

What have you learned and done based on what happened last year?

As we age and the years speed by, we need to take some time and examine what we have done with our lives.

A Matter of Perspective

So how does your day look?

So much of life is a matter of perspective; we can choose to be glad.

Christmas Clause

Would people really want to take Christ our the nativity?

A preacher gets in trouble talking about Christmas on Sunday, but warns that the world will take Christ out of Christmas.

Born That Man No More May Die

Why was Jesus born?

Jesus came to face our world and give us deliverance both from and through what we fear.

Reasons to Be Thankful

How many reasons do you have to be thankful?

A terrible accident can't rob this little girl or her family of reasons to give thanks.

Upside Down Blessings

Can you see the good in the bad?

Bad things can be turned into blessings by God.

Overwhelmingly Blessed

When was the last time you counted your blessings?

We must realize that with our blessings comes the responsibility to use them generously.

Let's Go Fishing!

When is fishing more than fishing?

A fishing trip becomes more than a fishing trip when a father honors his son and a son remembers his father.

Don't Forget!

How could we forget something this important?

In times of trouble, we need to remember our blessings so that we can bless others in need.