Articles Tagged 'Sinners'

Eating and Leftovers

Why the connection between Jesus and 'the leftovers' and why does the modern church not have the same relationships?

Phil Ware reminds us that our times at the Lord's Table should be filled with the same kind of people who joined Jesus at the table when he was on earth!

The Shear

We are called to live in the strong currents where Jesus' Kingdom meets the world and those trapped by darkness, and we need to know there is both danger and richness as we live in 'The Shear.'

Phil Ware continues his series on becoming JesuShaped disciples.

Jesus' Loose Lug Nuts and His RagTag Band

Could it be that we are more afraid of being contaminated by the world than motivated by Jesus to be salt and light?

Phil Ware reminds us that we want to not only share in the Lord's Supper, but we also want our table to be like Levi's table of grace and friendship.

ToGather: A Party for Jesus with Sinners? (May 31, 2020)

Let's awaken our hearts to the greatness of God, the assured hope we have in our future with Jesus, and our mission to take Jesus' grace to the world.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and remind each other of those who are lost, left out, and left behind that need to be at Jesus' table of grace and how we are called to reach the lost as our mission.

Adopted into the Family

We come with bad habits, wounds, and all sorts of unfortunate baggage. It takes awhile for us to unlearn them!

Phil Ware shares a powerful story about his foster grandson and how that helps us understand what it means to be adopted into God's family.

Dinner at Levi's House

They're unsettling. They're uncomfortable. They're troubling. So, we don't ask, at least not out loud!

Phil Ware asks a bunch of troubling questions as he looks at the story of Jesus and his call of Levi and the party Levi had at his house afterwords.

Eating and Leftovers

Why the connection between Jesus and 'the leftovers' and why does the modern church not have the same relationships?

Phil Ware reminds us that our times at the Lord's Table should be filled with the same kind of people who joined Jesus at the table when he was on earth!

Loose Lug Nuts and the RagTag Band

Will we make the Lord's Table like Levi's table?

Phil Ware reminds us that we want to not only share in the Lord's Supper, but we also want our table to be like Levi's table of grace and friendship.

Sinners and Holy People

Jesus came for the good, the bad, and the ugly

Jesus wants to remind us that performing a series of religious acts doesn't make us right with God. Our attitude matters. What the Bible calls "the heart." While men look at the outside, God looks at the heart.

For Sale Signs

What kind of

Being acceptable to Jesus is not like getting a house ready to sell.

Throwing Stones

The church is not a rock-throwing society ...

The story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery teaches us how the church should deal with sinful people ... because the church is full of sinful people.


So who are we going to exclude?

Phil Ware reminds us that from the very beginning of the Christian movement, Jesus and His followers recognized that the Gospel and the church are for all people.


Who really wants these folks in church? Jesus, of course!

When a mega-pastor says he wants to get rid of the kooks that weigh his church down, Vann is not only shocked, but prays that God sends the kooks to his church.


When's the last time you helped a lost person?

What would happen in church, church folks, got serious about seeking lost people like Jesus did?

Hypocrites in Church?

Can you believe it's true?

Hypocrisy does exist in the church and we should weed it out, but it doesn't exempt us from church.

The Missing Bible

Can you find your Bible in the list?

While there are many specialty Bibles, the Bible is really written for only one group of people: sinners.