Articles Tagged 'Sit' (Page 5)

The Big Picture

How well do you understand the whole situation?

We are often critical of others and can't understand God because we don't see the big picture of what is happening.

Learning To Be Content

How are you handling the situation you currntly find yourself in?

We can learn to give thanks and be content if we will reframe our current situation and see how many blessings we actually have.

Overwhelmingly Blessed

When was the last time you counted your blessings?

We must realize that with our blessings comes the responsibility to use them generously.

The Uncle of Yes!

Are you a yes person or a no person?

Grace means we have a lifestyle of yes, not a lifestyle of no.

Something to Talk About

What do you talk about most frequently?

We can always find something to complain about, but let's be people who compliment and affirm!

Giving without Regret

How do you feel when the gift you gave is not appreciated?

Sometimes our gifts are treated with contempt, other times are misused, but either way, we are most like God when we give without strings attached.

Facing Adversity Over and Over

What do you do when you can't face the same thing again?

Sometimes the hardest times are when we face a repeated adversity or trial, but if we can hang in there the Lord will help us through.

Why all the Rules?

Do we really need rules?

God's word is given to us to be a blessing and to give us a happy life.

Three Cows

What in the world do three cows have to do with grace?

From a faithful old Thai friend, we learn the lessons of generosity and faith.

Poverty or Riches

Which do you prefer?

Money and our desire for it can get us in trouble; we must learn to be happy with little or much.

The White Envelope

Can we make more of Christmas than tinsel and gifts?

Christmas is about giving and not receiving, especially when we can give gifts that bless others and continue giving after we are gone.

Lady and Champ

Can letting go help us go on to greater things?

A move that left Kelly missing two neighbors and their pets left a hole in heart until she realized that God had filled her life with new friends and new pets.

The Hardest Grace of All

Can you really forgive?

Forgiving others when they have truly hurt us is the hardest grace of all.

Finding Joy in Sacrifice

How much joy do you get out of sacrifice?

Sacrifices that allow us to share in the life of God should bring us joy.

Now That's the Ticket

What you going to give?

Sometimes we get surprised at how quickly the Lord shows us to trust him; especially in the area of tithing!

The Least of These?

Who does Jesus value most?

We will be judged by how we cared for the least, the left out, and the lonely.

Our Transit Across the Son

Just how significant is my life?

God takes our small lives and fills it meaning and purpose even though its time is short.

Happy Birthday Heartlight!

It's been 8 years of Heartlight - time for a little celebration! celebrates its eighth birthday with a look back on some amazing events.

Situational Religion

Can we bend our regligion to fit our situation?

We can't change our ethics and our behavior simply based upon those with whom we find ourselves and the situation in which we find ourselves.

6 Dollars Worth of Thanksgiving

What gift of value could 6 dollars buy?

Nothing blesses us than to see those we love being generous with others -- that's true thanksgiving!

A Heart-Stopping Experience

Are you caught on the tracks and the train is coming?

When we place things in God's hands, we don't have to agonize with worry about them.