Articles Tagged 'So' (Page 10)

Letting Hatred Go...

Why do we hold onto the things that poison us the most?

Stacy Voss reminds us that we can let our bitterness and un-forgiveness poison us and steal our lives from us.

Not Left as Orphans

What can we expect the Spirit to do for us?

Phil Ware continues a short series on the Holy Spirit focusing on John 14 and what it means for Jesus to not leave us as orphans, but to come to us and show himself to us and be in us and make his home with us.

Christmas is about...

So what is supposed to be going on here, anyway?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the real reason for the season and that we must not forget Jesus in all the holiday trappings and mess and reindeer and Santa.

Finding Jesus: Be Born in Me!

Can I really know Jesus as someone who is real in my life?

Phil Ware writes a two part series on Finding Jesus at Christmas and this one focuses on spending time with Jesus in the Gospels.

God's Grace in a Pumpkin

How can a pumpkin possibly mean so much?

Phil Ware writes part of a monthly series on his Compassion visit to Chiang Mai Thailand as and move closer to 1,000 sponsored children.

How to Heal the Internet

How do we keep from throwing bricks at each other through our screens, large and small?

Ann Voskamp reminds us to listen with our heads and hearts and see social media and the Internet as a way to listen to hearts yearning to be loved.

Co-heirs with Christ

Paul blows away the confusion and declares us all equally heirs of God's promise!

Phil Ware continues his series on the way God values a woman and how Pentecost begins a new humanity that is to work itself out in the life of Jesus' people, the church.

One of Us

Sometimes what we need most is a friend!

Phillip Morrison writes to remind us that the Ferguson tragedy is not new, but a repeated wound or scar, and we need trusted friends to help address the issue, and the same is true with our lives and Jesus our friend.

Early Morning Coffee Discipline

What's this discipline of early morning coffee?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even early morning coffee can be a good thing if it is tied to a great habit of self-disciplined focus.

Interconnected Grace

Far from isolationism, we are called to

Phil Ware challenges us to think about the small blue planet we find ourselves on and how are we going to interconnect it with grace.

What If?

How do we handle our deepest grief?

Teresa Bell Kindred writes about the 24th anniversary of her mother's death and how it is still real to her and then she gives some good pointers on grief.

Finding True Center

All anyone wants to talk about is Jesus!

Phil Ware concludes his series on Inviting Jesus back to church with this message on Jesus being our center.

When Home Makes a Heart Call

Do you have a bad case of homesickness?

Cathy Messecar describes how her son went to camp and didn't want to be there but wanted to come home and she makes a connection with the story of the prodigal son in Jesus' parable in Luke 15.

Sing the Jesus Song!

So we are supposed to sing a song to get us on the same page?

Phil Ware of continues his series on inviting Jesus back to church with us and asks us to use Jesus to evaluate everything we do based on Jesus' example and teaching and use Paul's Christ hymn as our Jesus filter.

When You Lead

Serving to bless is also the foundation on which we lead.

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the real definition of a leader as someone who serves others because leadership is always for the sake of others.

The Hardest Lesson Learned

Why is it so hard to learn this simple lesson on which so much of life hangs?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called the Journey home and he looks at the hardest lesson learned, that it is better to be a servant in our Father's house than to be on our own and alone.


Father, Daddy, means so much more than just the oldest man in the house!

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the role and importance of a dad and father on Father's Day.

The Rhythms of the Kingdom

In the ups and downs of church life, is it good to be on a plateau?

Tim Woodroof continues his series on change in the book of Acts and the changes facing the church today.

My Refrigerator Kid

She had jumped off my fridge and into my heart.

MeLissa LeFleur shares the her story about sponsoring a child through Compassion International.

Somewhere Down the Road

Do you ever long for someone who has gone home before you?

Phil Ware reminisces about his father's death and the years that have gone by and the reasons things happen and how we will know it all at the end of the Road, just like Amy Grant sings.

Following God in the Wilderness

Can you hear the sound of trumpets?

Mark Frost continues his four part series on the interim season and comparing it to Israel's time in the wilderness and how God fashioned, shaped, molded, corrected, honed, built, re-built, transformed, his people through their time in the wilderness of t

Listen to the Rain

When was the last time you purposely paused to listen to the rain?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares her love for the rain, being still, thinking about the reason and purpose we are here, and Amy Purdy.

The Thing about Sorrow

What can we do when we can't walk in the shoes of another in grief?

Lisa Mikitarian shares from current events and from her own experience about the grief and sorrow those we love face and how to help them -- support them, come alongside of them to support, care, and love them.

Compassion after Easter

Why not give the gift of new life to a child who is waiting for someone to help them experience grace?

Phil Ware gives three reasons to sponsor a child with Compassion International.

Of First Importance

So what is the most important day in your life?

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the importance of the last week of Jesus' life.