Articles Tagged 'So' (Page 13)

I AM: The Way

So how do we get to what really matters?

Phil Ware finishes his series on the I AM sayings of Jesus with the focus on the way, the truth and the light.

I AM: God's Handwritten Messages from Heaven - Bottom Line Faith

Some things you have to believe or you have nothing worth believing in!

Phil Ware continues his series on I AM, God's handwritten messages from heaven and focuses on the bottom line faith requirement -- Jesus is God come in human flesh.


In the middle of this mess, would you still have called Jesus Lord?

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus from the Gospel of John called unpredictable, and focuses on Mary Magdalene calling Jesus Lord in the middle of all sorts of grief, sorrow, despair, discouragement, loss, and hopelessness and is given the gift o

Bribery, Cursing, and Lying

What do you see around Jesus?

Brian McCutchen reminds us that the Cross is a nasty, hurtful, despicable place where Jesus died.

The Ring of Authenticity

Can you tell if the imperfections have been cleansed?

Rubel Shelly visits a kiln that fires ceramics and helps us think through the importance of purifying our imperfections.

This Year I Will Get One Resolution Right ...

Forget all the broken resolutions and focus on the perfect one for this year.

There is one resolution that makes you a better person, makes everything new, and still works when you break it.

Be it Resolved!

Should we make these resolutions in the first place?

Rubel Shelly resolves to live for God this year and that changes how he approaches his New Year's resolutions.

A Manger, A Cross, and an Empty Tomb

How could it happen like this?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the manger and the promises given to Mary would make the Cross seem impossible to understand until the empty tomb and the resurrection brought back the praise the angels gave on the day he was born.

The Futility of Resolutions

You know you can't change, right?

There is a certain futility in making resolutions. Only God can truly change us.

Let Christmas Deny the World?

Christmas deny the world?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the world can deny us of many things, especially love and joy and peace and so let's use Christmas as our opportunity to deny the world it's hold on our heart.

Merry Christmas?

Isn't happy holidays just too bland?

Rubel Shelly shares very respectfully the reason he wants to say Merry Christmas.

Why Shepherds?

Of all the people to announce the coming of heaven's glory, why did God choose this bunch?

Phil Ware looks at the birth of Jesus and asks the very simple question: why did God reveal the birth of his Son to shepherds first?

Beyond Fixing Bicycles

Have you stopped lately to share the journey with another?

Russ Lawson reminds us to share the journey with others whether they are rejoicing or crying, we can help in many ways, sometimes by just being with them.

The Gift of Influence: Teach to Obey

What are you doing with yours?

Phil Ware continues his series on last words and first priority, and emphasizes the power of our influence to help others know, follow, and obey Jesus.

The Secret Reason for Thanksgiving

The surprise of finding joy in tough places!

Ron Rose reminds us of the power and importance of giving thanks at Thanksgiving and talks about Anabel Reid's death in the Abilene Christian University bus accident.

What Would You Say?

What in the world is love at last sight?

Phil Ware shares the four ways two are made into one in marriage: socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Mortality: Trying It on for Size

A test run at death?

Rubel Shelly talks about a Korean project to help folks not commit suicide by helping them understand what death might be like.

One Song

We can't do it for everyone, but we can for at least our one!

Phil Ware finishes his Just One series by calling us to help others find their one song.

Living for Just One!

Will you live all of life as worship, or just a few hours per wek?

Phil Ware asks what we should wear to worship God and challenges us to see all of life as sacred space!

Find the Plot to Your Dots

Can you tell what God is doing?

Ron Rose shares a very personal story about his daughter and her husband and their grandchildren and an adoption and reminds us of car games when he was a child.

Coming to Terms with Change

Don't like change? Here's something worse and something better!

Rubel Shelly talks about change and our need for it or we grow obsolete and irrelevant.


We spend time with God and find out that we are loved!

Tammy Marcelain reminds us that we are able to realize that we are God's beloved when we take time to open ourselves to Him and be still and experience that God is with us and speaks to us in whispers.

The National Debt

How did we get into this mess?

Rubel Shelly is talking about money and debt and solutions to it at a national and personal level.

Down the Hill, Waiting for the Return

How can you compare these two things?

Phil Ware continues his series on the mission trip to Sagrada Familia, The Community in Lima, Peru, and ties it in this article or post to Jesus' ascension.

The News Behind the News

Do you ever get a glimpse of God behind the stories we hear everyday?

Ron Rose reminds us that God stories are everywhere, but don't make the press because God's work can't be nailed down to a snippet, a spin, a sound byte, or a headline.