Articles Tagged 'So' (Page 14)

The Father's Love

How deep is His love for us?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the overwhelming deep love the Father has for us and reminds us that he gives us glimpses of this in a good father's relationship and love for his children.

Same Thing, Only Different

How can we follow in the same pattern doing the same ol' thing yet it appear on the surface as something very different?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called the journey home, this message is about how both sons wanted the same thing and both loved the father's stuff more than they loved the father.

Wasted Time!

Haven't we all wasted enough time piddling around when there is a party going on?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home, and he focuses on the older brother and God's desire to throw him a party.

Would Someone Please Help?

You've been there, haven't you, where you needed help and wondered if anyone was there?

Phil Ware talks about using our summers to do God's work.

When these Ol' Walls Can't Speak

Can you capture the memories even if you can't hear the words?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages called "The Journey Home" and focuses on God being the home we long for.

Oprah and a Big Orange Pot

What's a woman to do with a big orange pot?

Teresa Bell Kindred talks about the graduation of her twins, Oprah retiring and a big orange pot to cook roast in.

Each Has a Name

Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it!

Phil Ware talks about our broken world, spring, the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, and the Lord's prayer.

Come with Me!

Is there any way to step off the treadmill a minute?

Tom Norvell reminds us of Jesus encouraging his disciples, his followers, to get away from the maddening rush of the crowds and go to a quiet place with him and get some rest.

Romantic Faith

How can faith be romantic?

Rubel Shelly shares insight on the difference between Jewish thinking and Graeco-Roman thinking and how impacts the way we view Christian faith which should be romantic faith.

Tell Them How Much!

So what do we do now that we've left the table?

Phil Ware begins his series on God's Riches for Us at the Table of the Lord and reminds us that we are called to share with those close to us what the Lord has done for us.

Dancing for Immanuel

Too small to see, but too great to miss!

Phil Ware begins a short series called When Spirit Becomes Flesh focusing on the birth of Jesus, the incarnation of God among his creatures, and the wonders of Christmas.

Glory Awaits

In this season of memories, what should we hold on to most tightly?

Phil Ware reflects on the death of his grandfather, Daddy Gordon, and remembers his father's passing away, and is reminded of the floods in life that can't sweep away our hope.

Transition out of Darkness

Are you helping transition those you love out of darkness?

Phil Ware continues his series of light on the dark side of the mountain and reminds us of Samuel, the great transitional leader of God.

Risky Faith

How dark is it in your world?

Phil Ware continues his series called Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain and reminds us that risky faith is rewarded.

How Would You Draw Your Face?

Do you have a long face?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the Christian life should be a life of joy.

True Peace

Do you have the God who is there through everything?

Bill Sherrill talks about God, who is there through all the tough and also gentle moments of our lives!

SpiritFire - Leading Us Safely Home

Where is home for you? No, really, Where?

Phil Ware concludes his SpiriFire series with a reminder that God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- lives inside us and makes his home with us.

Mental Block?

Do you have a mental block or are you just locked in a box?

Ron Rose challenges us to get out of our box of thinking in the same old ways and begin the conversation with others about God.

Even When the Rain Falls

Are you washed by the water?

Tammy Marcelain shares her experience at a recent baptism and reminds us of the mercy and grace that are ours in Jesus.

SpiritFire - How Do I Think of the Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Phil Ware continues his SpiritFire series focusing on God getting personal with us in the Holy Spirit and addresses the question of whether the Holy Spirit is a he, she, or it.

Doesn't God Love Us Anymore?

Why are all these bad things going on?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God wants us to act personally in our broken world to make a difference.

Risky Gratitude

Why take this risk?

Stacy Voss shares the principle about thinking about the lovely things of God in your partner and not the bad things or the deficits.

The Awful Shame of Shame

When guilt is right and why shame can be destructive!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that feeling guilty isn't necessarily bad, but shame can be destructive and lead to denial or living a self-fulfilling prophecy about our badness.

Limitless Mercy

How could He love us so?

Tammy Marcelain talks about Henri Nouwen's book and also about the prodigal son and the great love of God.

You Have Always Been Drawn to Wood

What would Mary have thought in such painful times?

Phil Ware writes a meditation on what Mary may have thought as she stood at the foot of Jesus' cross as he died, using the theme of wood in his life to connect the story.