Articles Tagged 'So' (Page 20)

Hey, Clark Kent!

Why in the world would someone want to be an umpire?

If you want something bad enough, you go for it and do whatever it takes to do it, even if no one understands you.

Feeling Good about Feeling Bad?

Can you actually feel good about your sorrow for sin?

This is an honest look at repentance and sorrow and life change, and reminds us that God's goal isn't our sorrow, but our reformed life.

The Greatest Miracle of All

What's the greatest miracle you have seen?

The greatest miracle of all is the one that occurs every day in the lives of people who are found by grace and changed.


Do you sometimes feel useless?

No matter what others say or do to make you feel useless, Jesus loves you and has demonstrated again and again that you are useful to him!

Take Heart!

What can you hang on to when your world is filled with troubles?

We have all sorts of trouble, heartache, grief, disappointment, discouragement in this world, but Jesus has overcome the world and given us victory.

This Time, Giving Up is Winning

Can you ever think of when giving up is ever good?

Jesus gave up his spirit, but he did not give up his mission, his mercy, his grace.

To the Swift!

Is there any way you can make it on time?

A hard difficult trip and a close connection after a flight delay turns out to be a good chance for Joey Cope to learn a lesson about God's power to use us as we are.

Right Now!

Why do we put it off and then forget?

Mike learns to not put off prayer, but when someone has a need, he says, "Let's pray right now!"

Confessions of a Blackberry Picker

Have you see the evidence of his beauty in your world?

A trip to the beach and other vacation sites helps lead Patrick Odum to ask what he is not recognizing in his daily life where God's fingerprints and footprints can be found.

She Knew

What do you know about God?

Martha knew her brother Lazarus had died, but she also knew that Jesus could do something, she just didn't know what, do you know Jesus can help in your worst crises?

The Fear of the Lord

Why should I excited about fearing the Lord?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and worship, but it is not a terror of the Lord, but an enraptured love-filled walk with a holy God.

Where to Find the Help of a Friend?

Do you have any idea how many there actually are?

With so many lonely people out there, how are we going to be like Jesus and God and minister to their loneliness and isolation?

What's Your Price?

What are you willing to trade in for this prize?

Selling a bike for $5 (five dollars) is a bad deal, but not nearly as bad as giving away our soul for something valueless.

Take a God Break

When's the last time you shut everything down and sought to be alone with God?

We all need to take a God-break a time when we get alone with God and be renewed and restored.

The Guts to Not Fight Back!

Do you have this kind of courage?

Jackie Robinson demonstrated true courage when he handled himself in an exemplerary manner when becoming the first black to play pro baseball in the major leagues.

Exercising the Spirit: Meditation

When's the last time you tried meditating?

Meditation is a lost art and discipline that we as Christians need to engage in again!

The Gift of Stillness

Have you learned to be still?

We all need more silence and solitude than we are getting in our busy world so let's start with just 5 minutes each day.

The Value of Pain

Does pain really serve a useful purpose?

Pain is not always bad -- it is necessary to help us know where we need to change and be changed by the Father.

Failure Notice

Do you feel like your prayers bounced and came back to you?

Our prayers get to God, they don't bounce back to us and we can be sure about that because Jesus intercedes for us.

Personality or Person?

How do you view your church leaders?

We've got to move from viewing people as personalities to seeing them as people to love.

God in the Dark

How do we move from self-reliance to God reliance?

A trip through deep depression forces our writer to look at reliance, dependence upon God, and finding hope when there doesn't seem to be much reason to hope.

Parenting Twenty-somethings ... Still?

Do you still have to parent after they have left home?

Parenting twenty-somethings is a challenge but can be a blessing if we do our job well.

Getting the Music Back

So how much are you singing?

A visit to the Phantom of the Opera on a cold night opens back wide the door of singing in a family's home.


Do you welcome each day with joy?

God gives us each day as a day of celebration and newness.

Resolved Today

Are you putting off those resolutions?

Maybe the most important New Year's resolution is to keep our resolutions.