Articles Tagged 'Spirit' (Page 14)

Exercising the Spirit: Rule of Life

Are you ready to set out on your own with God?

The Rule of Life is our own commitment to live out the spiritual disciplines, exercising the Spirit and doing what God longs to see us doing.

The Leadership Issue

Why being boss won't solve your problems!

Leadership is not about being boss or bullying, but about motivating, serving, and equipping others to their full potential.

Exercising the Spirit: Fasting

Are you really hungry for God?

Fasting is a way to draw closer to God.

I'm Full!

Are you still hungry or have you found a way to be full?

God wants us to be full of Him, his grace, His mercy, His Spirit, His Love.

Always Golden!

You mean we are supposed to do this everywhere!

After reading the passage again, have you seen anything new, like maybe it should apply in everything you do -- the Golden Rule!

This Time, Giving Up is Winning

Can you ever think of when giving up is ever good?

Jesus gave up his spirit, but he did not give up his mission, his mercy, his grace.

Spiritual Immunity

Can we actually help our families and our friends become immune to ungodliness?

Spiritual immunity comes from rearing children in godly homes with godly values and godly actions.

Changing as We Grow Older

What things change for the better as we grow older?

Change for the better only happens if our goal is Jesus and our power to change is the Holy Spirit?

Exercising the Spirit: Generosity

How can being generous grow our spirits?

The spiritual discipline of generosity is crucial if we are going to grow in the spirit.

Got Your Spiritual Trainer?

Who's training you to be God's servant?

Spiritual growth really requires us to have a spiritual trainer to help us with our spiritual discipline.

Exercising the Spirit: Breath Prayer

Do you know how to pray?

We can learn to breath pray and pray any time and any place and reach out to God through prayer.


Is there any other kind of Christian?

All Christians have the Holy Spirit and are spirit-filled so their lives must demonstrate this reality.

Exercising the Spirit: Meditation

When's the last time you tried meditating?

Meditation is a lost art and discipline that we as Christians need to engage in again!

Exercising the Spirit: Silence

What do you hear in the silence?

We can only regain our rightful place in our spirit through Silence and the work of the Holy Spirit on our spirit.

Failure Notice

Do you feel like your prayers bounced and came back to you?

Our prayers get to God, they don't bounce back to us and we can be sure about that because Jesus intercedes for us.

It's a Process

Don't give up on the changes that need to occur!

Transformation, sanctification takes time in the real world of our lives, but God won't give up on us.

Exercising the Spirit: Lectio

Have you really been listening for God in his word?

If we are to grow in our spiritual walk, we must exercise the Spirit within us and one way is lectio divina, sacred reading.

First Loves

Why is the loss of passion for the Lord taken so lightly?

For God, losing our loving passion for His Son and His Kingdom is a major concern and we should repent!

Learning to See

When was the last time your really opened your eyes?

We need to open our eyes and view things from a point of view of spiritual reality.

From Invisible to Visible

What really is a spiritual life?

All of life should be lived as spiritual.

Exercising the Spirit

What have you done to grow your soul lately?

While we focus on physical exercise at the beginning of the year, why not also focus on spiritual exercise, too?

Is He Taking Your Picture?

Have you seen the flash lately?

God has a record of the things he has done through us in his family album.

They Prayed for Boldness

What would you have prayed for in this circumstance?

Under persecution and difficulty, we most often need to pray for boldness instead of protection and ease!

Crazy Things Keep Happening to Me

Does crazy stuff happen to you?

Crazy things happen to all of us, but we can face them with joy because of God.

The Big Picture

How well do you understand the whole situation?

We are often critical of others and can't understand God because we don't see the big picture of what is happening.