Articles Tagged 'Spirit' (Page 16)

Fast Food or Truly Full

Are you really full with all that you have been eating?

Have you found real nourishment? Not unless you know Jesus.

Be Used by God

What can God do through you?

God uses ordinary people to do his amazing work.

Church Taters

What kind of church tater are you?

Let's not be critical people -- Taters in chruch parlance.

Not Yet What It Will Be

Are you not there yet?

We must not give up on ourselves or each other because we are not there yet!

Hope Does Not Disappoint Us

Can we keep from being disappointed by broken hopes?

No matter how desperate things can seem, God has given the ability to hope in him through the power of the Holy Spirit.

True Love from Hope and Faith

Can hope really survive in such a tough time?

There is great power of child-like hope when empowered by the Holy Spirit.

On the Test?

Does it matter if we don't do some things that are hard

Imagine that we all approached life with the attitude of, "If it's not on the test then I'm not going to learn it."

Enduring Hope

Where does the power to keep hoping come from?

God continually renews our hope through the Holy Spirit.

Pneumatic Tools

What does faith have in common with a wrench?

Just as a pneumatic wrench gives us more power to remove bolts, the power of God's Spirit, the pneuma, gives us power to live.

Wonder Working Power

Why can't we see the power of the Holy Spirit in less exciting ways?

Even if our time in life means we have to slow down, that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit quits working in us; we can see his power in the small things he does in our lives.

Life Transformation in Less Than an Hour

Can it really happen in less than an hour?

One hour life transformation may be promised by an ad, but Jesus working through the Holy Spirit can make it happen!

The Power to Change a Human Life

Can you look beyond your New Year's resolutions?

Real change, true transformation, will not occur in our lives until we relinquish control completely to the Lord and the power of his Spirit.


Are you putting off a confrontation with the enemy?

We often try to deny or feel sorry about the attacks of Satan in our lives rather than resisting and fighting him with the spiritual power God has given us.

Discernment: Don't Believe Everything You Hear

There are some real whoppers out there that way too many people actually believe.

With all that is said to us, we must practice discernment if we are ever going to really find the truth.

God's Amazing Majesty and Grace

Can we dare speak with such familiarity to our holy and majestic God?

God is both majestic and gracious; can we draw near to him as sinners with familiarity and tenderness?