Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.
07/16/2024 by Mark Frost
Ron Rose shares how God has taught him that the real answers are not in the smooth, seamless, well-thought-out passages, but in the journey chasing His rabbits!
08/29/2023 by Ron Rose
Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.
11/24/2013 by Mark Frost
Russ Lawson talks about the origin of the word serendipity and asks how we will use these blessings in our lives?
11/03/2011 by Russ Lawson
Life is full of all sorts of problems and curve balls: how we handle them determins our real faith.
10/12/2005 by Mike Barres