Paul Faulkner reminds us that temptation is something that gets worse when we give into it, especially lying, and yet God promises to help us find a way out of the mess.
07/27/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Patrick Odum reminds us that overcoming temptation requires us to resist the devil, but he also adds some other insights from James' famous passage about overcoming temptation by being honest about oursleves and our need for God.
07/26/2007 by Patrick D. Odum
Phil Ware shares his continuing series on the Jesus vibe and focuses on how Jesus won the war over sin and temptation.
07/23/2007 by Phil Ware
Mike Barres reminds us that taking moral shortcuts and fudging on things spiritually always end up in disaster and sin.
07/08/2007 by Mike Barres
It is so easy to be deceived by the evil one, but the Scriptures can help us like they helped Jesus overcome temptation.
03/20/2007 by Kathy Bailey
The Devil is a lion and we let him into our kitchens, our homes, by treating temptation as a little kitten rather than a roaring lion wanting to devour us.
02/28/2007 by Byron Ware
Tough times, even when they are filled with temptation can help us grow and better appreciate good times when they come.
11/24/2006 by Paul Faulkner
Sin entangles and causes us to stumble and fall rather than running victoriously, whether the sin is our own or the sin of others against us.
04/26/2006 by Sarah Stirman
We've got to be honest about our weakness and inconsistency and quit trying to blame everything on someone or something else, including satan or the devil.
04/11/2006 by Rubel Shelly
A self-destructive meal at a mud hole reminds us of how our own desires can blind us to the dangers of our own greed and lust for power.
01/21/2006 by Jerry Dyess
We need to not only be sorry for our sin, but we also need to get rid of the things in our lives that lead us to sin.
09/01/2005 by Katha Winther
We need to keep our thought life free of weeds.
08/21/2005 by Mike Barres
Sin is deceptive and offers shortcuts that ultimately enslave.
07/26/2005 by Larry Zinck
Satan offers us many shortcuts and temptations, but only God has a really better offer.
07/15/2005 by Alan Smith
Trial, temptation, trouble, and testing are in the same neighborhood with trust: we're not going to get the one we want without experiencing the ones we dont!
04/28/2005 by Joe Bagby
We face temptation to sin, but sin is an old, dying, worthless lizard's tail.
01/29/2005 by Bruce Wadd
Most of us are trying to carry around things that don't matter very much and they are weighing us down from doing what God wants!
01/28/2005 by Alan Smith
We can survive times of trouble, trials, and temptation if we prepare.
12/06/2004 by Phil Ware
If we will honestly ask for God to change us and help us, he will step and do so because he knows our struggles and longs to give us mercy.
09/04/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
Satan loves to trap us when we wander away from God's people.
08/19/2004 by Kathy Bailey
Jesus faced the fight we all face in the garden of gethsemane so we should be willing to fight that same fight and not give up!
08/15/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
We can get so caught up in wanting more that we kill ourselves.
07/15/2004 by Alan Smith
Can a man be expected to resist when things are so easy?
07/14/2004 by Thom Lemmons
The power of an anonymous motel room doesn't have to claim our purity or cause us to cave into sin.
07/13/2004 by Lynn Anderson
Just like the fast food ads decieve us by making their product look too good to be true, so also satan deceives and tempts us.
07/12/2004 by Phil Ware