Articles Tagged 'Thank' (Page 4)

Captured by Grace

Can you be captured by freedom and grace?

Phil Ware uses the climactic moment in the movie "Saving Private Ryan" where he is told to "earn it" to emphasize the difference between grace and obligation.

Still Not Enough

When all is said and done, do you really have what you want?

Tom Norvell reminds us that in the middle of giving thanks and offering gratitude for God, we should still have a holy discontent and recognize that we need more of Jesus.

Family Connection

So what did all those men do?

Lisa Mikitarian shares an unusual set of Thanksgiving events that took her far from home where she found family in an unlikely place.

Over the River and Through the Woods

"Over the river and through the woods to 'Aunt Patty's' house we go."

"Over the river and through the woods to 'Aunt Patty's' house we go."

There's Always Almost Meatloaf

What's your almost food?

Russ Lawson shares about a hard time when all they had was some oatmeal and hamburger and ketchup.

A Thankful Heart

Are you a one day a year person or an everyday person?

Sarah Stirman reminds us that we have many reasons to give thanks, even when things are tough.

The Lord Is Great!

Have you told other generations this glorious truth?

Tom Norvell reflects on the greatness of God inspired by Psalm 145.

We Are His People!

Do we act like it?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we need to live like the Lord is our God!

The Greatest Gift of Gratitude

What would you have done to thank them?

Patrick Odum challenges us to see the basic call of our lives to live for Jesus.

Thankful for Simple Things

Why give thanks for that?

Mike Barres talks about a hunting trip with his wife and how they were so thankful for just heat and food and the simple things of life.

Give Thee or Give Me

What's in it for God?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the spirit of the Christmas season is giving, not receiving and that we need to be a people with a spirit of thanksgiving.

Avoid Sending SPAM!

Too often my prayers lack joy and gladness.

I wonder sometimes if God feels the same way about the messages I send. I think about my prayer life and how often I address the message to Him but seem to only talk about me.

What Do You Do?

How do you honor a servant who is not trying to be noticed?

Phil Ware talks about a university honoring students for their acts of service and it leads him to wonder how we honor God's servants today.

Praise the Lord

Do we have to have a special reason?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we need to praise the Lord on all occasions and for many reasons.

Always with Thanksgiving

Even the hogs do better than we do?

Phil Ware reminds us that prayer should always include Thanksgiving no matter our circumstance, something he learned from his dad and from hogs!

Children on Thanksgiving

Bet you've never heard this take on the great date!

Alan Smith shares with us some children's definitions on how the first Thanksgiving happened and reminds us to have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Praise the Lord Anyway

How in the world can you praise the Lord at a time like this?

Mike Barres reminds us that life is full of hardship and curve balls, but we can learn to praise the Lord anyway.

When You Care Enough

How much do you actually care?

Alan Smith reminds us of the importance of sending notes of thanks, appreciation, and encouragement and how important those are to others.

Thanks for the Memories and More

What more can you say?

Phil says good bye to Paul Lee who has been his partner at Heartlight for ten years.

Giving Back to God What Is His

Are we just renters of the blessings we have?

Using something for free almost every weekend of the year for a parking lot reminds a church that they don't own what they use; we need to learn that same thing as God's children.

The Gift of Praise

Ruby and diamond rings are half as important as the praise they bring!

A Christmas present of a ruby and diamond ring that is adjustable is a present that evokes praise just like the way God has blessed us should pour forth our praise!

The Value of a Thank You!

Could you ever imagine that 80 cents could mean so much?

Sending thank you cards or notes can be such a powerful and special blessing to those who receive them and are just the kind of thing the Lord would have us do!

Appreciating God's Blessings

How can an undeserved inheritance make us sad?

A humorous story about undeserved inheritance reminds us of how easy it is to forget to thank God for all that he has done for us.

The Real Tragedy

How can you not have your life blown apart by a brain tumor?

An update on Jack Marcelain and his brain tumor recovery doesn't bring all good news, but Tammy is committed to not worry about it.

How's Your 'Ratitude'?

Can you give thanks?

Cary reminds singles that they can give thanks in almost any situation.