Articles Tagged 'To' (Page 31)

Personality or Person?

How do you view your church leaders?

We've got to move from viewing people as personalities to seeing them as people to love.

Arriving Home

When are we going to get there?

What happens to people when they die is a lot like trying to tell kids how much farther it is to granny's house!

Storm Peace

Can you rest securely when the storm winds blow?

We can pray for our families and our children to help be prepared for the difficult times come.


Will we open up and really trust him to change our story into a grace story?

All around us are people who are grace stories -- people who have opened up to God and received his grace and had their hard lives changed for the better.

Getting the Music Back

So how much are you singing?

A visit to the Phantom of the Opera on a cold night opens back wide the door of singing in a family's home.


Do you welcome each day with joy?

God gives us each day as a day of celebration and newness.

Resolved Today

Are you putting off those resolutions?

Maybe the most important New Year's resolution is to keep our resolutions.

Caught in the Storm

What are you going to do in the storm?

Many tough things happen in life, are we ready for the storm or to help others caught in the storm?

Is He Taking Your Picture?

Have you seen the flash lately?

God has a record of the things he has done through us in his family album.

Whose Life Is It?

Do you see yourself in the story?

We can know we are saved by putting ourselves in the story of God's great deliverance.

How Will You Be Remembered?

Will those who come behind us find us faithful?

How we are remembered will have a huge impact on our how our children's lives turn out.

The Forgotten Fuel

When's the last time you had a great rest?

We must guard and protect our sacred space, our time alone with God.

What You Owe

To whom are you indebted?

Take care of our debts because when we don't it reflects poorly on the church and God's people.

Let's Go Fishing!

When is fishing more than fishing?

A fishing trip becomes more than a fishing trip when a father honors his son and a son remembers his father.

A New Heart

Do you want a new heart?

A heart transplant reminds us that we need God's heart transplant spiritually.

I Don't Know How It Feels

God knows how it feels, do you?

The storm comes and rages and destroys, do you know how that feels? God does!

We Will Not Forget

Do you still remember?

We still remember the events of September 11, 2001.

Storms Come

How will we survive our storms?

In the middle of the storms of life, where are we going to turn? Jesus!

Approaching the Cross

Will you draw near?

Will we draw near to the cross and have our lives changed?

Ice Cold Morning, Life-changing Memory

Can your remember that special day?

Do your remember your special day of salvation?

Love or Legalism

Which of the two do you choose to do?

Jesus chose people over practices and love over legalism.

Every Leader Needs an Abishai

Whose got your back?

Every great leader needs someone who has his back, who will stand by him and defend him.

Proving Them Wrong

Have you spotted a hero in the making the lately?

Most of us get discounted, rejected, or turned away at some time or another: but God looks at our heart and doesn't give up on us!

Failure: Springboard to Success

What can we learn from our own failures?

Don't quit in the middle of failure, but understand it is part of the learning and growing process.


Can a failure be useful again?

Just as key people did with John Mark in moving him from failure to useful, so too, good leaders must recycle.