Articles Tagged 'To' (Page 33)

Ready to Go!

Don't you want to be ready when the time comes?

Don't you want to be ready to go when Jesus returns to take us home to glory?

Chaotic Light

What's it like to be on the inside, not being able to look out?

This is the story of the blind man in John 9.

Handling Life's Storms

What happens when the strom won't let up?

The way we handle life's storms can be a powerful witness to those around us just like Stephen's life was.

Ahead of My Time

When is running late being ahead of schedule?

Sometimes when we are running late, God gets our attention anyway and helps us make it to our destination on time.

Not Prepared for These Storms!

What are you going to hang onto during these storms?

If Jesus isn't made the center of our marriages and families, our failure is assured.

The Danger of Being Too Busy

Who are you judging before looking at your own life?

Before we criticize others for being too busy, maybe we ought to look at our own schedules!

Life is Not for Sissies

What's got you in a fix?

Life isn't easy; it's not for sissies, but for people who are determined to walk with Jesus.

We Have to Serve?

Do we really have to be servants?

While it may not be fun, service is the role of Jesus!

A Child of God

Who are you?

Despite the ugliness we know lies within us, we are treasured and precious to God.

Rain of Grace

Have you had a little shower in your life lately?

Sometimes an unexpected rain, a gift of grace, is just what is most needed to keep on keeping on.

Annoying Interruptions or Divine Appointments

How do you feel about the people who interrupt your day?

Many of Jesus' miracles began as interruptions in his daily schedule.

Independent and Self-Sufficient

Can anything good come out of a serious motorcycle injury?

Good things can happen out of bad things if we find our sense of purpose!

Be Strong and Courageous

Why should we be strong and courageous?

God wants us to be courageous and strong as we enter into the areas or territory in our lives.

Shelter in The Storm?

Can you find a place to protect you from life's weather?

Life is full of storms, so where and to whom will you go to find your shelter in the storm?

Learning from the Wizard

What can you learn about life from the Wizard?

Learn life lessons from John Wooden about character, not just about basketball.

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Can you resist the urge to speak when you shouldn't?

Sometimes we need to keep our mouths shut and not say a word!

The Church of Today!

When do you want our young people to start?

We cannot wait for our teens and young adults to grow older before we use them in service to the Kingdom.

Clean Spring Rains

How clean can you get?

When we forgive, it cleanses us like a spring rain.

Happy Birthday Heartlight!

It's been 8 years of Heartlight - time for a little celebration! celebrates its eighth birthday with a look back on some amazing events.

Ever Been Misunderstood?

Have you ever felt like no one understood?

So often, we don't feel like anyone understands us ... except Jesus.


I will miss him!

Some people make an indelible memory on your heart because they are servants.


Can you remember who helped you the most?

Let's focus on the people who have been a blessing, a strength, an encouragement, and not on the baser side of things: let's honor our leaders and mentors.

Too Many Tepees?

How many tepees is enough?

We know who won't get our stuff when we die, and storing it in bigger or more tepees won't help!

Preparing to See The Passion of The Christ

Are you ready to see The Passion?

Be prepared before you go see the Passoin of the Christ; know what you are going to see and know how you are going to use it.

The President Visits Daytona

What spiritual lessons can be learned from the President and NASCAR?

The President can only come for a drop in visit at NASCAR, but Jesus comes to stay in our daily lives.