Articles Tagged 'To' (Page 34)

We Need More Sams!

What can we learn from a chubby little Hobbit?

The world needs more people like Sam, who are willing to be loyal, faithful, plodders and endure to the end.

O Be Careful Little ...

Who helps you with what you think?

We need to guard what we think in our minds and ask God to keep them pure.

He Really Is In Control

What can we learn from the storm of the decade?

A horrible storm in the United States Pacific Northwest helps slow things down enough for folks to remember some key truths from God.

Our Small Town Parade

Will it all end in a parade?

A small town parade and a funeral stir up memories of the past and hope for the future.


Are you putting off a confrontation with the enemy?

We often try to deny or feel sorry about the attacks of Satan in our lives rather than resisting and fighting him with the spiritual power God has given us.

Are You Listening?

Are you listening to what is actually being said?

We get ourselves in so many problems because we do not genuinely listen to each other.

Lights Out

What can we learn from a toddler over-using the light switch?

God's authority, his love and discipline, are for our good and our blessing, not our punishment.

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!

Eternal Gifts

What's eternal about about a power blue baby outfit?

So many things we have are temporary, but the ones that are most important are the ones that help us hang on to the eternal.


How can we ever get out of simply reacting to crises?

So often leaders do not do their most important work, living out God's purpose for them, because they are so busy handling problems and crises.

Domonic's Fan Club

Do you have someone who needs you to believe in him?

Some folks are just needing someone to believe in them and take a shot at helping them make it; are we willing?

A Heart-Stopping Experience

Are you caught on the tracks and the train is coming?

When we place things in God's hands, we don't have to agonize with worry about them.

The Search for Jesus' Love

Where can folks find Jesus' love in your town?

compassion, concern, care, Christ, love, Jesus, Church

The Art of Rationalizing

Who do you blame for your sin?

Rather than blame others for our sin or finding excuses to rationalize away our guilt, let's be honest with ourselves and with God!

Discernment: Don't Believe Everything You Hear

There are some real whoppers out there that way too many people actually believe.

With all that is said to us, we must practice discernment if we are ever going to really find the truth.


How can we ever overcome humiliation?

If we don't bring back sinners whose sin has humiliated themselves, and if we we don't reach out to those who have been humiliated by others, then how can we claim we wear the name of Jesus?

E.T. and Christ

Is there something out there? What would it mean if there were?

Scientists are forever searching the skies for alien life, but what does that mean to the Christian? Randy Becton shares his thoughts on extra-terrestrials, aliens, and God.

That's My Story

What story are you telling each day of your life?

The kinds of stories we tell about ourselves, shape who we are.

Department or Attitude?

Did you hear the one about the fellow who walked into First Suburban Church wearing an expensive suit and a baseball cap?

If you value human contact and personal service, then take note of and appreciate it when you receive it.