Articles Tagged 'Track'

Chasing Rabbits

Instead of responding to my requests, Abba whispers, 'Let's chase rabbits!'

Ron Rose shares how God has taught him that the real answers are not in the smooth, seamless, well-thought-out passages, but in the journey chasing His rabbits!

Got a Problem with God?

Are you willing to find some answers?

Ron Rose talks about dealing with pain and disappointments with God by tracking down the issues and finding the truth and not just living in pain and bitterness.

Time for Some Faith Tracking

Can you see how the Lord has guided your path?

Rose Rose carefully and respectfully challenges us to launch out in faith and see the great promises gives to us.

Big Rig Ministry: Test Track

Why go through the testing before hitting the real goal?

Tom Pousche uses his big experience to help him better understand the need for testing to prepare us for the journey ahead.