Articles Tagged 'Turn' (Page 4)

The Last Word

Who has the final say in our lives?

Death has been defeated by Jesus' resurrection so we need to only ask whether or not we belong to him.

Until He Comes

Can you wait until he returns?

A child waiting for morning and mommy reminds us that we are waiting for Jesus' return.

Glory Awaits!

Where is your life hidden?

The eternal part of us, our life, is hidden away with Christ in God and glory awaits.

Time Passes

You're not getting older, you're getting closer!

Time is swiftly passing, but rather than trying to deny it, we should welcome and celebrate it because it brings us closer to our salvation.

Running Out of Time

How much time do you have left?

We need to live with a greater sense of urgency and intention because salvation is nearer now than ever before.

I Have Decided

Will you still follow?

I have decided to follow Jesus and though I don't do it perfectly, I won't quit

Ready to Go!

Don't you want to be ready when the time comes?

Don't you want to be ready to go when Jesus returns to take us home to glory?

In The Resurrection Business

How do you spend your time?

Jesus left us here to help others find life and know that resurrection is coming: we are in the resurrection business.

A Little Faith

How do we lift our spirits on difficult days?

While we don't know why about why things happen here, we do know that one day our sorrow will melt into the joy of the Lord.

Sheep and Cats

Can cats go astray?

We are like sheep, who go astray and need to be brought back; but in our pride we often act like cats and pretend we did nothing wrong.

Our True Citizenship

We're only strangers here; our homeland is heaven!

Our citizenship is in heaven, so let's live like heaven is our home!

Haunting Words

Grace for the times an eraser can't undo what we say.

We all say things we truly mean, but we prove ourselves unfaithful to our commitments and can't follow through with our promises; it's then that Jesus' words and Peter's reply become doubly important.

Getting Even

Are you really sure you can get even?

For many people "getting even" is what they're interested in and they won't be satisfied until it's done. They don't want someone to escape justice. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that never happens on this side of heaven's judgement.

This Loss of Dreams

What a great disappointment to have to wait!

To have to put off your wedding would be a great disappointment, but life is filled with disappointments -- that's why we need the hope we have in Jesus.